[ExI] ChatGPT 'Not Interesting' for creative works

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Mar 6 03:17:15 UTC 2023

>... Gadersd via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] ChatGPT 'Not Interesting' for creative works

>...Computing technology is not advanced enough for consumer computers to run the powerful models. Consumer computers do not have the bandwidth and GPU FLOPS to run the good models. It isn’t a matter of speed, consumer computers just cannot run the big models. The best you could do is run a toy model with maybe a billion parameters. Such toy models are completely dumb compared to ChatGPT and can barely string coherent sentences together...

OK so what if... we get a number of us running in parallel.  A toy version with a billion parameters, well OK then, a billion is about three orders of magnitude more parameters than my beleaguered meat brain has (as far as I know (hell I don't even know what my own parameters are)) and yet it seems to somehow write fun stuff on occasion.


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