[ExI] ChatGPT 'Not Interesting' for creative works

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Mar 6 03:25:50 UTC 2023

-----Original Message-----
From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 

>... a billion is about three orders of magnitude more parameters than my beleaguered meat brain has ...spike

Our science Olympiad team is going like bats outta hell, training for next weekend's regional competition using ChatGPT.  That experience where two guys who know nossink about agriculture combined, managed to take the agriculture test given five days training time and took second place.  Our junior varsity team, also given five days, and who combined also knew nossink, took third.  This transformed our team.  Now... we are training them on ChatGPT.

Fun aside: we often talk about the great digital divide that opened up when the internet came along.  Over time the digital divide widened between those who could effectively use the internet for education vs those who were just using for vastly improved... emmm... National Geographic (if you get my drift.)  Most students use the internet for the latter, but it also has actual educational potential.  An educational divide opened between the ones who effectively use it for education and those who don't.

When covid lockdowns started, those who could effectively learn from watching zoom meetings opened up a new educational divide between those who could learn that way and those who could not.

A new digital divide is opening between those who figure out how to effectively use ChatGPT for education vs those who do not.  This weekend, we find out if we whoop ass at the regionals.


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