[ExI] dark confession time

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Mar 9 13:46:50 UTC 2024



From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 

>…BANG the wheel goes free, stabilized because it was spinning at 165 when it left the ground, it bounces a few times as it spins up to about 200 knots I would guess.  Then… have it collide with something fun, like a row of parked cars…  

Such fun we could have.





Keith, you inspired this ya know.  We read of your youthful exploits, the explosive stunts and such delightful foolishness.  Now we want to do likewise, even long after our youth has fled.  If I can pull this off, actual literal youth will flee, wanting nothing to do with what I have in mind.  Read on please.


It would obviously cost a pile of money to mount an aircraft tire with exploding bolts and do all that, but it occurred to me we could make a low-cost alternative using a motorcycle front tire and rim, which I even own.  Get one of the modern V-rated tires, good for 200 mph, rig it to the front of a really fast car, or even just a normal pickup with the carrier mounted to the front tow attachments.  That I could build.


But here’s the cool part.  We rig up a compressed air system that drives a cruciform manifold with four nozzles, kinda like a Nazi sign with nozzles at the ends of the four bent things and nozzles at the ends.  The compressed air is at the hub.  Get kiting across the dry lake bed, open the valve on the compressed gas, get the wheel spinning, brake the truck to release the wheel which accelerates and slams into a target.  We could see if a 200 mph motorcycle tire could punch thru a parked car.  Or, see how fast we could get the wheel going, never mind hitting a target.  See how fast it could go before the centrifugal force caused the tire to explode.


Heh.  Oh would could have such insane fun.  If we get caught, I could blame Boeing for building planes which fall apart in flight.





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