[extropy-chat] Aw Nuts! Bush Wins...

Giu1i0 Pri5c0 pgptag at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 14:18:19 UTC 2004

Mike, Europe never thought the same of Reagan. Most Europeans, myself
included, think that all things considered he was a good president.
What we don't like of Bush is the fact that he wants to take the US
and the world back to the middle ages concerning the respective roles
of reason and religion in public affairs.
I follw with interest your Free State project, and wish you all the
best. But it will not be in a fundamentalist theocratic US that you
will achieve it. More likely, the Iranian-style theocracy that the US
is becoming will declare Holy War against the Free State: you see,
there is the risk that the Free State will pass laws too favorable to
same sex marriage and stem cell research.
You call yourself a Libertarian. I don't, but I always appreciated
many elements of Libertarian thinking. In particular, "Live and Let
Live". You can do whatever you like in your house, and I will not
complain as long as you don't objectively harm me. With the caveat
that "objective harm" does NOT include sleeping with a same sex
partner under your own roof. That is, if I understand libertarianism,
just your business and not mine.
Now tell me: do you see much libertarianism in the policies advocated
by the Bush administration?
Have to agree on the rest of your note, some reality check is always useful.

On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 05:54:18 -0800 (PST), Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Amara Graps <amara at amara.com> wrote:
> >
> > I am so disappointed. How could Bush win the popular vote? I don't
> > understand this; no one I spoke with here understands it either.
> > Also,
> > I suspect it won't be easy for Americans with nonAmericans in the
> > future. I heard often in the last years that 'Americans simply made a
> > mistake',with regards to the Bush administration, and so they cleanly
> > separated the American people from their government, and expected the
> > Americans to 'set things right' in this election. Now Americans will
> > be much more closely aligned with their government in the eyes of
> many
> > in the world.
> I suspect most of your friends would fall into that class of people
> that are referred to as "the chattering class". There are a lot of New
> Yorkers, for example, who don't know a single Republican personally.
> They create these insular lives where they only associate with
> individuals in the media, the arts, or academia, who reflect their own
> views, so no fact checking occurs. Enclave consensus can significantly
> differ from reality if no rational intelligence gathering occurs.
> > since I think that holding a US passport will mostly hurt me now.
> Europe thought the same of Reagan, and were rewarded with the collapse
> of the iron curtain. They should be so fortunate again.

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