Structure of AI (was: Re: [extropy-chat] COMP: Distributed Computing)
Rik van Riel
riel at
Sat Nov 20 18:12:46 UTC 2004
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004, Giu1i0 Pri5c0 wrote:
> A question: is there anything like AIathome? I mean some project aimed
> at developing a conscious AI, or more realistically some preliminary
> implementation of AI,
Based on what I understand, intelligence appears to be based
on information processing and communication, not computation.
Distributed computing of the @home variety is based on having
thousands of fast computing nodes, connected to each other
with the brain equivalent of a wet piece of string. All working
on nicely self contained pieces of the puzzle, in effect a fairly
static setup. Computers are great at this.
Human intelligence, on the other hand, seems to be best at
fitting together the pieces of the puzzle. Not at complex
calculations. Power through correlation. A very dynamic
I would expect that AI will have similar needs: lots of data
available at low latencies, with lots of fuzzy matching to
fit pieces of data together. A lot more dynamic than any
@home style distributed computing network could be, on today's
Mmm, maybe I should check around, to see if AI research is
still thinking in terms of programming, or more in terms of
processing data ...
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