[extropy-chat] Make that Irrational [was Still Stingy]
Olga Bourlin
fauxever at sprynet.com
Thu Jan 6 01:21:08 UTC 2005
From: "Samantha Atkins" <sjatkins at mac.com>
> I reject the fundamental premise that one is morally obligated to help
> persons one does not know in any and all difficulties. However, you
> make a quite good point that we do not adequately support research into
> real killers that we can do something about before the fact. I would
> not call this "stingy" so much as irrational.
Yes, now THAT - *irrationality* - we've got in droves.
Has anyone checked out the Fox television network recently? It is chilling
to realize that here we are - in 2004 C.E. - and the discussion on
Scarborough (and there's nothing "fair" there) last night was "end times."
Ahem ... as in did god(s)(esses) have anything to do with the tsunamis (and,
if so, was this one of the signs of the end times)? The guests were
certifiable nut cases, and yet the host listened politely and offered
commentary on their deranged ravings. *Who* listens to this stuff? I mean,
seriously ...
More and more, it seems, we are inhabiting a Jerry Springer universe.
Observe: we elected our official Jerry Springer President #1 again.
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