[extropy-chat] book review: Radical Evolution
Jeff Davis
jrd1415 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 12 19:38:13 UTC 2005
I don't know Damien. I'm thinking that the author, or
more likely the reviewer, attempted and achieved
cleverness in his use of two nearly identical-sounding
words with different but nevertheless apt meanings.
On this topic clearly there are those who think
rapture and those who think rupture, notwithstanding
the proximity in the text of "Vinge" to the two words.
Jeff Davis
--- Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
> ... but observe
> the logic, which can't
> distinguish between the gratuitous and non-Vingean
> "rapture", and
> "rupture". The singularity is "a rapturous moment"
> that might not be
> "particularly pleasant". Oh.
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