[extropy-chat] Re: Iraq and legality again
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 28 02:13:01 UTC 2005
--- Dirk Bruere <dirk at neopax.com> wrote:
> >
> You claimed that most ****insurgents**** are
> foreigners - WRONG.
> Your figures refer *solely* to suicide bombings
> (where enough is left to
> make an ID).
Hey fellas. You guys are having an argument about
estimates made through the fog of war. They are
unreliable at best. Think about taking the average of
the figures insetad any one figure or other is the
closest to the truth.
> Your rabid right propaganda stinks and if you think
> we're as stupid as
> the people who lap up that crap you are badly
> mistaken.
I don't think that partisanship is going to help the
situation very well in Iraq. Mike is not rabidly
right, his views are well thought opinions based on
different assumptions. Just as my somewhat left views
are. What's important to me is that the U.S. as a
country handle Iraq correctly. The situation in Iraq
is simultaneously a crisis and an opportunity rolled
into one ball of wax. I don't think we are doing the
correct thing there now but withdrawing from there too
soon is definately NOT the correct thing to do.
> The US is getting is ass kicked again and for good
> reason, and now Bush
> is 'negotiating' and talking about 'withdrawal with
> honor'.
> I've heard that kind of shit before, but you just
> seem to be a sucker
> for it.
Again? Tony Blair and the UK were part of the
COALITION of the willing too if I remember it? Or was
it the coalition of the winning and now that things
aren't so great there, you guys want to take off
running? You stand to benefit if we succeed. Indeed
the entire civilized world does. But you don't want to
help foot the bill. Typical. I don't like Bush either,
but I am not going let my country cut off its balls
just to be able to spite him.
> *All* figures point to the fact that the resistance
> is getting stronger
> month by month, and if Bush tries anything against
> Iran and its nuclear
> program you can bet that the relatively peaceful
> Shia in the South with
> be joining in the ass kicking competition to make
> the current situation
> seem like a picnic.
Well then I hope that someone between Bush and the
captains on the ground has a plan that's better than
premature withdrawal. Does anybody know if they have
any law-enforcement / espionage support there?
Detectives are better at tracking people down in an
urban enviroment than are marine grunts.
The Avantguardian
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
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