[extropy-chat] Extropy and libertarianism
Dirk Bruere
dirk.bruere at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 21:12:15 UTC 2005
On 9/10/05, Natasha Vita-More <natasha at natasha.cc> wrote:
> Dirk,
> I think it would be best if you respected the communications already sent
> to this list and published elsewhere regarding Extropy Institute.
> Thank you.
> Natasha Vita-More
So, what are you saying?
That in your *opinion* I should not air *my* opinions concerning ExI on the
ExI list?
Or is that an order?
At 06:53 AM 9/10/2005, you wrote:
> On 9/8/05, *Max More* <max at maxmore.com> wrote:
> Clearly
> the Principles of Extropy are highly *compatible* with a libertarian
> view of politics -- more so than with any other identifiable
> viewpoint that I know of. It doesn't follow that they are
> *restricted* to only that one, exact political philosophy. A dogmatic
> view of political and economic systems would be incompatible with the
> principles of rational thinking and perpetual progress.
> As I've said many times, the Principles are *not* compatible with
> socialism, but do not rule out *possible* exceptions to strict
> libertarian answers. The ultimate goal is not adherence to
> libertarian doctrine, but to advancing our lives in *all* the ways
> described in the Principles. As far as I'm concerned, that *might*
> mean, for example, some government funding of basic research. And it
> might not -- I'm not at all sure on this issue at the moment. It
> *might* mean some laws limiting private property rights -- such as
> might be needed to conduct inspections of research labs working with
> extremely dangerous materials (nanostuff, AI, whatever).
> IMO ExI Principles are a matter of *interpretation*, only one such being
> Uber Libertarianism.
> If this is not so then you can kiss much future membership goodbye.
> As Transhumanism moves from the perceived lunatic fringe populated by
> fanatical True Believers into the cultural mainstream populated by people a
> lot less committed to any single political POV this is going to be even more
> apparent. Trying to maintain ideological purity is a recipe for internicene
> squabbling, witch hunts and heretic bashing reminiescent of the history of
> 'pure' Socialism with its petty factions and interminable cry of
> 'splitter!'.
> ExI, and its membership, must decide soon if it is going to be a bastion
> of purity or whether it is going to set itself up to attract mainstream
> support. We certainly know what the WTA has decided.
> Dirk
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> Natasha <http://www.natasha.cc/>Vita-More <http://www.natasha.cc/> Cultural
> Strategist, Designer Studies of the Future, University of Houston President,
> Extropy Institute <http://www.extropy.org/> Founder, Transhumanist Arts &
> Culture <http://www.transhumanist.biz/>
> *Knowledge is the most democratic source of power.* Alvin Toffler *Random
> acts of kindness... *Anne Herbet
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