[extropy-chat] Transhumanism in 2020

Jose Cordeiro jose_cordeiro at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 30 05:14:03 UTC 2006

Dear transhumanist friends,
       The first book about transhumanism in an Asian language has just been published. The name is "2020: Transhuman and Economy of the Future" and you can see it below, if you can read Korean:-)
       I coordinated most of the book, even though my Korean is still at pre-posthuman levels. Dr. Hwang Woo-Suk, at Seoul National University, was writing the introduction but we had to drop it after he faked some results about human cloning, even if he did succeed cloning a dog earlier.
       Next Summer I am moving to Japan, and I hope to start a similar book project there:-)
       Have a very happy 2007, 2070, 2700, 7200...
       Transhumanistically yours,
       La vie est belle!

La vie est belle!

Yosé (www.cordeiro.org)

Caracas, Venezuela, Americas, TerraNostra, Solar System, Milky Way, Multiverse

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