[extropy-chat] FW: ETC Group: COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Design a Nano-Hazard Symbol
Joseph Bloch
transhumanist at goldenfuture.net
Wed Oct 11 01:41:43 UTC 2006
Ironic is an understatement.
Hughes, James J. wrote:
>Anders - Submit yours. It would be ironic for a transhumanist to win a
>Luddite contest. - J.
>COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Design a Nano-Hazard Symbol
>ETC Group announces International Graphic Design Competition CALL FOR
>Biotechnology, nuclear power, toxic chemicals, electromagnetic radiation
>-- each of these technological hazards has a universally recognized
>warning symbol associated with it. So why not nanotechnology -- the
>world's most powerful (and potentially
>dangerous) technology?
>Concerned citizens everywhere are invited to submit their designs for a
>universal Nanotechnology Hazard Symbol at: http://www.etcgroup.org/
>Entries will be judged by a panel of eminent judges convened by the ETC
>Group (Action Group on Erosion Technology and Concentration,
>www.etcgroup.org). These judges include Dr. Vyvyan Howard (Editor of the
>Journal of Nanotoxicity), Dr. Gregor Wolbring (The Canadian Advisory
>Commitee on Nanotech Standardisation), Chee Yoke Ling (Third World
>Network), Claire Pentecost (Associate Professor and Chair of the
>Photography Department at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago),
>Rory O'Neill (Editor of Hazards magazine) and Dr. Alexis Vlandas
>(Nanotechnology Spokesperson for International Network of Engineers and
>Scientists for Global Responsibility). Entries will also be judged by
>participants at the World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya, 20-25 January
>The winning entry will be submitted to international standard-setting
>bodies responsible for hazard characterisation, to international
>governmental organisations and to national governments as a proposed
>symbol for nanotechnology hazards.
>Closing date: 8 January 2007
>A gallery of entries submitted will be available at http://
>Why Do We Need a Nano-Hazard Symbol?
>Nanotechnology, the manipulation of matter at the tiny level of atoms
>and molecules, has created a new class of materials with unusual
>properties and new toxicities.
>It used to be that nanotechnology was the stuff of science fiction.
>Today, however, there are over one thousand nanotechnology companies
>worldwide. Nanoparticles, nanotubes and other engineered
>nanomaterials are already in use in hundreds of everyday consumer
>products, raising significant health, safety and environmental
>concerns. Nanoparticles are able to move around the body and the
>environment more readily than larger particles of pollution. Because
>of their extremely small size and large surface area nanoparticles
>may be more reactive and more toxic than larger particles of the same
>substance. They have been compared to asbestos by leading insurance
>companies who worry their health impact could lead to massive claims.
>At least one US-based insurance company has canceled coverage of
>small companies involved with nanotechnology. Unlike more familiar
>forms of pollution arising from new technologies, nano-hazards
>(potentially endangering consumers, workers and the environment) have
>yet to be fully characterized, regulated or even subject to safety
>testing. The US Food and Drug Administration will have its first
>public meeting about regulating nanomaterials on October 10, 2006.
>Most governments worldwide have yet to even begin thinking about nano-
>regulation. Nonetheless, nanoparticles invisible to the naked eye are
>already in foods, cosmetics, pesticides and clothing without even
>being labelled. Every day laboratory and factory workers could be
>inhaling and ingesting nanoparticles while the rest of us may be
>unwittingly putting them on our skin, in our body or in the environment.
>It's not just a safety question. Nanotechnology also raises new
>societal hazards: The granting of patents on nano-scale materials and
>processes, and even elements of the periodic table, allows for
>increased corporate power and monopoly over the smallest parts of
>nature. Some designer nanomaterials may come to replace natural
>products such as cotton, rubber and metals -- displacing the
>livelihoods of some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in the
>world. In the near future the merger of nanotechnology with
>biotechnology (in nano-biotechnology applications such as synthetic
>biology) will lead to new designer organisms, modified at the
>molecular level, posing new biosafety threats. Nano-enabled
>technologies also aim to 'enhance' human beings and 'fix' the
>disabled, a goal that raises troubling ethical issues and the specter
>of a new divide between the technologically "improved" and "unimproved."
>ETC Group has called for a moratorium on nanoparticle production and
>release to allow for a full societal debate and until such time as
>precautionary regulations are in place to protect workers, consumers
>and the environment. Standard setting bodies around the world are now
>scrambling to agree on nomenclature that can describe nanoparticles
>and nanomaterials. A common, internationally-recognized symbol
>warning of the presence of engineered nanomaterials is equally overdue.
>For a short and simple introduction to Nanotechnology see "A Tiny
>Primer on Nano-scale Technologies," available online: http://
>Details Of The Competition:
>We are asking concerned people everywhere (including artists,
>designers, scientists, students, regulators and members of the
>public) to submit possible designs for an international Nano-Hazard
>warning symbol that could be used to identify the presence of
>nanmoaterials. This symbol could, for example, be placed on products
>containing nanomaterials, in laboratories or factories where workers
>handle nanoparticles, or on containers transporting nanomaterials.
>The symbol should be simple, easy to recognize and communicate
>clearly the new, potential hazards that result when matter is
>manipulated at the nanoscale (1 billionth of a metre -- the size of
>atoms and molecules).
>We encourage participants to be as creative as possible in inventing
>a new nano-hazard symbol. Images can be designed on computer or by
>hand, scanned, photographed or otherwise rendered in 2 dimensions --
>either using colour or in black and white. Entries will be judged on
>their conceptual as well as artistic merit. Descriptions and
>explanations accompanying the entries will be very welcome.
>For examples of existing hazard warning symbols for comparison see
>Participants can submit as many different entries as they wish. Each
>entry should be submitted seperately. Entries can be submitted in one
>of 3 ways:
>1) Upload electronically using the upload form at http://
>2) Email as a jpeg or gif file to nanohazard at etcgroup.org
>3) Send by post to Nano-Hazard Competition, ETC Group, 431 Gilmour
>Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0R5. Canada
>Please include your name, country and a contact email or postal address.
>All submitted entries will be treated as non-copyright and in the
>public domain unless the submitter wishes to place them under a
>creative commons license allowing free non-commercial use (see
>details here http://www.creativecommons.org). Entries submitted with
>copyright conditions (other than creative commons) will not be
>considered. Entries sent by post will not be returned.
>The closing date for entries is 8th January 2007.
>Judging will be in two parts:
>Judging Panel: A selection of entries will first be made by a panel
>of eminent judges chosen by the ETC Group.
>This panel includes:
>Dr. Vyvyan Howard, Founding editor of the Journal of Nanotoxicology.
>Dr. Gregor Wolbring, The Canadian Advisory Commitee on Nanotech
>Chee Yoke Ling, Legal Advisor, Third World Network.
>Claire Pentecost, Artist, Writer, Associate Professor and Chair of
>the Photography Department at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
>Rory O Neill, Editor of Hazards (trade union workplace safety magazine).
>Dr. Alexis Vlandas, Nanotechnology spokesperson for International
>Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility.
>Public Judging: The selected entries will then be displayed at the
>World Social Forum in Nairobi, Kenya (20- 25 January 2007) for civil
>society attendees to judge. We also encourage everyone to view the
>gallery of submitted artwork online and submit comments there.
>More Information:
>For a short introduction to nanotechnology see: "A Tiny Primer on
>Nano-scale Technologies" available online: http://www.etcgroup.org/
>For an introduction to the toxicity of nanoscale materials see the
>following resources:
>"Size Matters" (2003), an ETC Occasional Paper which includes an
>appendix by Dr Vyvyan Howard, Founding Editor of the Journal of
>Nanotoxicology: http://www.etcgroup.org/upload/publication/165/01/
>ETC Group's 2004 Communique, 'Nano's Troubled Waters' http://
>A May 2006 report on nanotechnology in sunscreens and cosmetics by
>Friends of the Earth: http://www.foe.org/camps/comm/nanotech/
>A recent scientific evaluation of nanoscale hazards by the European
>Commission's highest level scientific committee on toxicity, The
>Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks:
>A comprehensive overview (2004) of nanoparticle toxicity, "Small
>Matter, Many Unknowns" by Swiss Re, the world's second largest re-
>insurance company: http://www.swissre.com/INTERNET/pwsfilpr.nsf/
>Take Action:
>The US Food and Drug Administration is holding its first-ever public
>hearing to discuss regulatory issues related to nanotechnology on
>October 10, 2006. Despite the fact that the US government spends
>approximately $1 billion per year on nanotech R&D and hundreds of
>consumer products are already on the market, the US government spends
>a paltry $11 million per year on nanotechnology related risk research
>(1.1% of the total budget). Go here for details: http://
>In May 2006 ETC Group joined the International Center for Technology
>Assessment, Friends of the Earth and other consumer health and
>environmental groups in a legal petition challenging FDA's failure to
>regulate health and environmental threats from nanomaterials
>currently used in consumer products. The full petition and an
>executive summary are available here: http://www.icta.org/nanotech/
>You can send electronic comments to the FDA asking them to properly
>control, regulate and label nanomaterials. An online form is
>available to help you do this via The Center for Food Safety. Go to:
>ETC Group mailing list
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>extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
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