[extropy-chat] Wikipedia page and cryonics

Keith Henson hkhenson at rogers.com
Wed Apr 11 21:21:30 UTC 2007

At 01:53 PM 4/11/2007 -0400, PJ wrote:


>While I understand your historical argument, transhumanism isn't just 
>about cryonics.  I agree with both Justice DeThezier's argument on 
>WTA-talk (since I also said 'no') and Loremaster's rationale for 
>discretion.  Cryonics status -- or any other personal status -- should not 
>be a matter of public record, unless the individual requests it.

I agree.  Eric Drexler kept his status (signed up) out of the public eye 
for a number of years.  He made it public at an Extropian Conference in San 
Jose at the same time Marvin Minsky did.

>Otherwise, it smacks of marketing or other hidden agendas.

There is an agenda, but it is hardly hidden.  If it isn't obvious, ask and 
I will state it.


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