[ExI] Killer apps for AI-controlled avatars in virtual worlds ??
spike66 at comcast.net
Sat May 5 00:01:51 UTC 2007
bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Benjamin Goertzel
My company Novamente LLC is considering, in the future, using our AI
software to control humanlike avatars in virtual worlds like Second Life.
My question is: what applications do y'all think will be most exciting
and popular, for this kind of product?...Ben Goertzel
Ben I have one for you, altho it is on ethical shaky ground.
Many second-lifers are too young to have ever played with Eliza or her many
immitators. I talk to new kids in the company, college grads, who have
never heard of it. Came and went while they were in diapers. So rig up an
avatar with an eliza-engine to walk around and engage in conversation with
unsuspecting second-lifers. Study how long it takes them to realize they
are talking to a computer instead of another lonely-heart like themselves.
I realize this is unPC of me to imply most of the population of second life
are lonely-hearts, but some things never change.
Your conversations could be a demonstration of another step towards Alan
Turing's vison.
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