[ExI] the formerly rich and their larvae

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Feb 16 02:25:36 UTC 2008

 On Behalf Of ablainey at aol.com
		Being a larva is not derogatory, but rather a thing of which
to be proud.

	Thanks for the insight Spike. LOL. The obvious diversity and
specialisation of the glorious Insect world was lost on me on first reading
of the title. 
	But then it raises the question of why you didn't refer to the rich
as cockroaches?  After all they are masters of survival and exploitation of
their environment, are they not?  :o)   

Cool.  Alex while you were away I posted a commentary on cockroaches, and
how they have gotten a bad rap for being filthy.  They really aren't any
more or less so than any other bug, and they don't carry disease any more or
less than the others.  We don't freak out over a mantis, for instance, but
if you look really closely, a roach looks a lot like a mantis with broad
flat wings.

My notion is than cockroaches evolved to look like turds, thus avoiding
being eaten by causing revulsion in mammals.  Humans tend to think of them
as more filthy than they actually are.  They get into our food.  Well, can
you blame them?  We get into our food, so why shouldn't they, given the

I have no problem at all with rich people or roaches.


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