[ExI] Basis of Belief

ablainey at aol.com ablainey at aol.com
Wed Feb 27 19:24:00 UTC 2008

Lee said

>> In this case it's the other way around. I'm talking about a minority (non 
>> theists) ridiculing a majority (theists) not the opposite.
>On *this* list, the majority are atheists or non-believers.

I would include myself in this number despite having stated that my current belief (small b) is that there is a (ahem) 'God'.
Taking into account that my 'God' is of the technological kind, be it Alien geneticist or some kind of simulation programmer.
Also that the relationship between myself and said 'God' does not involve any sort of worship, recognition or any other bells
and whistles such as faith.
Would I be defined as a theist/polytheist? 
Do we have sufficient language terminology to discern the difference between myself and any conventional religious follower?
Does my small 'b' qualify as religion?
The terms 'God' and 'creator' do not sit well with me, neither do 'believer' or 'follower'.

Is the real point here, the little b and the big B. One being believed because of evidence and experience, the other because of
indoctrination and blind faith?



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