[ExI] Survival

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 19:51:41 UTC 2008

On Jan 3, 2008 7:39 PM, Bryan Bishop wrote:
> I have also come across that strain of thought, that "we create our own
> realities." I happened upon it during an interview with MIT, and
> evidently I hadn't sufficiently created my own reality. I am still
> wondering over the validity of "we create our own realities" and so far
> I have kept it suspect.

I got a lift in a car once driven by a $ologist.
As we drove at hair-raising speeds round blind corners on country
roads, I nervously suggested that it might be a good idea to slow down
a bit. He asserted confidently that due to his 'training' he could
cast his mind ahead and knew that the road was clear around the bend.
I held my breath with fingers crossed for the remainder of the journey.

I never went near him again.


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