[ExI] The Manifesto of Italian Transhumanists

Anna Taylor femmechakra at yahoo.ca
Sat Mar 1 04:31:44 UTC 2008

--- Bryan Bishop <kanzure at gmail.com> wrote:

On Friday 29 February 2008, estropico wrote:
>>Italy (like any other country) is unique. Part of
>>its "uniqueness" is the presence of the Vatican and
>>the power of catholic institutions.
>What power? Money? They certainly don't have
>supercomputers, they don't have massive research
>institutions, they don't have neurofarms, the only
>power they have is lots of listeners and a widely
>distributed mental program. What does this power
>have to do with transhumanism?

What power do they have?  The power to influence many
people as much as any religion, race and/or language. 
Funny thing is that is any organization that wants to
become a "fundamental" recognition has to understand
that there will be followers and to understand the
general thinking of others.  This is so important it's
beyond belief.  You don't make a movement without a
great cause. Whether the Vatican is involved or not
should not be an issue.

People lead not religion.

Just an opinion

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