[ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 09:21:47 UTC 2008

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 10:38 AM, John Grigg
<possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, this of course is going to happen due to the propaganda of American
> rivals (even when the U.S. does the right thing in the world arena).

"Doing the right thing" in the international arena often means for a
government to protect the sovereignty and freedom of the country they
were appointed to rule, rather than betray their people in favour of
foreign entities. Now, it happens that on such basis what is the right
thing for country A is not exactly the best possible scenario for
country B...

> The U.S. and it's allies are far from perfect, but we do have an internal
> self-correcting (at least sometimes) moral compass that Russia and China
> sure don't seem to have.  They are essentially tyrannies.

Well, face to such articles of faith, not much room for debate exists,
does it? :-)

> Did Georgia really want to be part of this Eurasiastic alliance?

In Tbilisi or in Tskhinvali? Before or after being taken over by the
western-leaning mafia currently ruling it? :-)

> Yes, Russia will do their best to create an alliance to oppose the West.  And
> they will bully their neighbors to make it happen.  The Russian love/hate
> relationship with the West continues...

In fact, Russia was much closer to the US than to Europe, China and
India in both the Gorbaciov and Eltsin era. Now, they seem to believe
that their interests are better served by changing priorities. Only
the future will tell whether this greater attention to their immediate
neighbours will pay off. For sure, moral will have little to do with
that either way.

In more general terms, I think most people, and transhumanists
especially, are probably better off in a multipolar world than in a
unipolar one, was it just for the competitive dynamics that the first
still seems able to maintain better than the second.

Stefano Vaj

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