October 2008 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Oct 1 01:50:10 UTC 2008
Ending: Fri Oct 31 17:35:32 UTC 2008
Messages: 321
- [ExI] The bailout
Samantha Atkins
- [ExI] The bailout
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] A Serious Question For USians
Samantha Atkins
- [ExI] The bailout
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Frightful Atheism Disaster
John Grigg
- [ExI] Witch hunts
John K Clark
- [ExI] Frightful Atheism Disaster
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Witch hunts
- [ExI] Witch hunts
John Grigg
- [ExI] Backing up the Cloud
- [ExI] The Nuclear Huns
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Witch hunts
- [ExI] Witch hunts
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] The bailout
John K Clark
- [ExI] Witch hunts
- [ExI] Backing up the Cloud
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Food for thought
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Backing up the Cloud
Bryan Bishop
- [ExI] Backing up the Cloud
Mike Dougherty
- [ExI] Backing up the Cloud
- [ExI] Backing up the Cloud
Sondre Bjellås
- [ExI] Long-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy turns out to be effective...
- [ExI] Long-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy turns out to be effective...
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Lee Corbin
- [ExI] Zhabotinsky
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"?
Lee Corbin
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"?
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] ExtroBritannia's October event: How Feasible is a Nanofactory?
- [ExI] ExtroBritannia's October event: How Feasible is a Nanofactory?
Kaj Sotala
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Mike Dougherty
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Mike Dougherty
- [ExI] A Serious Question For USians
Jeff Davis
- [ExI] Long-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy turns out to beeffective...
Lee Corbin
- [ExI] Long-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy turns out to beeffective...
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Zhabotinsky
Lee Corbin
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"?
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"?
- [ExI] DARPA Mathematical Challenges
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Fwd: The logical culmination of human technological progress in the self-replicating space habitat?
Bryan Bishop
- [ExI] Fwd: The logical culmination of human technological progress in the self-replicating space habitat?
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] DARPA Mathematical Challenges
The Avantguardian
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Mike Dougherty
- [ExI] Turtles every which way
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Mike Dougherty
- [ExI] A sprinkle
- [ExI] Fwd: The logical culmination of human technological progress in the self-replicating space habitat?
Mike Dougherty
- [ExI] Fwd: The logical culmination of human technological progress in the self-replicating space habitat?
Bryan Bishop
- [ExI] Fwd: The logical culmination of human technological progress in the self-replicating space habitat?
John K Clark
- [ExI] Fwd: The logical culmination of human technological progress in the self-replicating space habitat?
Bryan Bishop
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] In Philadelphia
Keith Henson
- [ExI] foldup PCs, TVs
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Fwd: The logical culmination of human technologicalprogress in the self-replicating space habitat?
John K Clark
- [ExI] Fwd: The logical culmination of human technologicalprogress in the self-replicating space habitat?
Antonio Marcos
- [ExI] META: duplicate messages
Natasha Vita-More
- [ExI] Fwd: The logical culmination of humantechnologicalprogress in the self-replicating space habitat?
John K Clark
- [ExI] "Intelligent" computers put to the test
Olga Bourlin
- [ExI] META: duplicate messages
- [ExI] test
Natasha Vita-More
- [ExI] META: bounces
Natasha Vita-More
- [ExI] META: bounces
- [ExI] META: bounces
Natasha Vita-More
- [ExI] META: bounces
- [ExI] "Intelligent" computers put to the test
- [ExI] "Intelligent" computers put to the test
- [ExI] FW: "Intelligent" computers put to the test
- [ExI] Your genome for $5000
John K Clark
- [ExI] Wheels within wheels
Keith Henson
- [ExI] Your genome for $5000
Sondre Bjellås
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
The Avantguardian
- [ExI] Your genome for $5000
John K Clark
- [ExI] Religulous
John K Clark
- [ExI] Religulous
Henrique Moraes Machado
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
The Avantguardian
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Dagon Gmail
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] NBIC - CONTECS Final Report
Natasha Vita-More
- [ExI] the spike (humour noir)
- [ExI] NBIC - CONTECS Final Report
Natasha Vita-More
- [ExI] Your genome for $5000
Bryan Bishop
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
The Avantguardian
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
- [ExI] Fwd: Brin-l Digest, Vol 402, Issue 1
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Your genome for $5000
Sondre Bjellås
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
The Avantguardian
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
- [ExI] A critical book you should all read
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
- [ExI] A critical book you should all read
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] A critical book you should all read
R. Mark Adams, Ph.D.
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
The Avantguardian
- [ExI] Google funding opportunity
Jeff Davis
- [ExI] Google funding opportunity
Adrian Tymes
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
- [ExI] Google funding opportunity
The Avantguardian
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] His Holiness the Dalai Lama is in Hospital, surgury today
- [ExI] A critical book you should all read
Michael LaTorra
- [ExI] Your genome for $5000
Bryan Bishop
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Mike Dougherty
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
- [ExI] Fw: Re: Google funding opportunity
Anna Taylor
- [ExI] Fw: Re: Google funding opportunity
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Fw: Re: Google funding opportunity
Anna Taylor
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Dagon Gmail
- [ExI] CTRL-ALT-R: Another Life
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
- [ExI] arXiv paper on "cold fusion" and EM/weak interactions
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] more belated singularity mainstream
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] more belated singularity mainstream
- [ExI] more belated singularity mainstream
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] arXiv paper on "cold fusion" and EM/weak interactions
Michael LaTorra
- [ExI] more belated singularity mainstream
- [ExI] more belated singularity mainstream
Samantha Atkins
- [ExI] Step at a time was economic parable
Tom Nowell
- [ExI] more belated singularity mainstream
natasha at natasha.cc
- [ExI] A critical book you should all read
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Buckley's Son: 'Sorry Dad, I'm Voting for Obama'
Olga Bourlin
- [ExI] The International Longevity Center & Robert Butler, M.D.
John Grigg
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] 10 Reasons Why Geeks Make Good Fathers
John Grigg
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Off-List (RE: [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
Natasha Vita-More
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Off-List (RE: [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split
Natasha Vita-More
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] banks and crash
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] economic parableRe: Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Samantha Atkins
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Samantha Atkins
- [ExI] my god is bigger than your god
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] my god is bigger than your god
John Grigg
- [ExI] my god is bigger than your god
- [ExI] my god is bigger than your god
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] my God-Man is grigger than your god
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Samantha Atkins
- [ExI] banks and crash
Lee Corbin
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"?
Lee Corbin
- [ExI] "This American Life" on global credit crisis
- [ExI] year million again
- [ExI] year million again
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
Natasha Vita-More
- [ExI] year million again.
John K Clark
- [ExI] banks and crash
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
Dagon Gmail
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Lee Corbin
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Dagon Gmail
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"?
Lee Corbin
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Lee Corbin
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Lee Corbin
- [ExI] test, please ignore
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] test, please ignore
Dagon Gmail
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Mike Dougherty
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Mike Dougherty
- [ExI] "This American Life" on global credit crisis
PJ Manney
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] "This American Life" on global credit crisis
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
- [ExI] more belated singularity mainstream
Tom Nowell
- [ExI] banks and crash
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Bryan Bishop
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] banks and crash
- [ExI] banks and crash
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Convergence08
PJ Manney
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
John Grigg
- [ExI] Direct solar electrolysis - decentralised fuel infrastructure, is it viable?
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] "This American Life" on global credit crisis
Max More
- [ExI] climate change scientific papers and NATURE
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] "This American Life" on global credit crisis
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] "This American Life" on global credit crisis
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] What can be said to be "wrong", and what is "Truth"?
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] Direct solar electrolysis - decentralised fuel infrastructure, is it viable?
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Direct solar electrolysis - decentralised fuel infrastructure, is it viable?
The Avantguardian
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Direct solar electrolysis - decentralised fuel infrastructure, is it viable?
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] dichloroacetate: Yet another internet conspiracy theory
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
- [ExI] "This American Life" on global credit crisis
- [ExI] Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits
- [ExI] dichloroacetate: Yet another internet conspiracy theory
The Avantguardian
- [ExI] Direct solar electrolysis - decentralised fuel infrastructure, is it viable?
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
- [ExI] Direct solar electrolysis - decentralised fuel infrastructure, is it viable?
Keith Henson
- [ExI] Direct solar electrolysis - decentralised fuel infrastructure, is it viable?
- [ExI] Remembering Blue Man Theory: values, morals, norms, cultures
Anna Taylor
- [ExI] Space Elevator conference happening in November
John Grigg
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
Amara D. Angelica
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
Aleksei Riikonen
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
John Grigg
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
Amara D. Angelica
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
John Grigg
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
John Grigg
- [ExI] Direct solar electrolysis - decentralised fuel infrastructure, is it viable?
Bryan Bishop
- [ExI] Direct solar electrolysis - decentralised fuel infrastructure, is it viable?
Bryan Bishop
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
artillo at comcast.net
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
Natasha Vita-More
- [ExI] 65 U.S. Nobel laureates endorse Obama
John K Clark
- [ExI] 65 U.S. Nobel laureates endorse Obama
- [ExI] 65 U.S. Nobel laureates endorse Obama
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] "W." A new film by Oliver Stone
John Grigg
- [ExI] TED video - great dynamic display of quantitative info
Michael LaTorra
- [ExI] Remembering Blue Man Theory: values, morals, norms, cultures
John Grigg
- [ExI] New Presidential Candidate
Harvey Newstrom
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
John Grigg
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] sex team
- [ExI] 65 U.S. Nobel laureates endorse Obama
John K Clark
- [ExI] IP overhaul- was Direct solar electrolysis
The Avantguardian
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
John Grigg
- [ExI] [Soc]Complex Adaptive Systems - Tending Always to 50/50 split)
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Olga Bourlin
- [ExI] Catholic critique of Transhumanism
John Grigg
- [ExI] Catholic critique of Transhumanism
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] Catholic critique of Transhumanism
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] Catholic critique of Transhumanism
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
John Grigg
- [ExI] MySpace China not doing well
John Grigg
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Dagon Gmail
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
John Grigg
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Aleksei Riikonen
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
John Grigg
Frank McElligott
Eschatoon Magic
John Grigg
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Dagon Gmail
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Samantha Atkins
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Stathis Papaioannou
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] Death AND Second Life
natasha at natasha.cc
- [ExI] Death AND Second Life
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] Japan's young turn to Communist Party ...
Stathis Papaioannou
- [ExI] russia
Frank McElligott
- [ExI] palindromes
John K Clark
- [ExI] Death AND Second Life
Dagon Gmail
- [ExI] palindromes
Jef Allbright
- [ExI] A favor to ask
Gina Miller
- [ExI] Transhumanism Rising: Interesting discussion on Humanity+
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] Transhumanism Rising: Interesting discussion on Humanity+
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Transhumanism Rising: Interesting discussion on Humanity+
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] Everett news
- [ExI] "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
- [ExI] "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
- [ExI] "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
Dagon Gmail
- [ExI] Transhumanism Rising: Interesting discussion on Humanity+
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] Everett news
- [ExI] Whose Holiness the Dalai Lama is in Hospital, surgury a couple weeks ago
- [ExI] Transhumanism Rising: Interesting discussion on Humanity+
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] Greenpeace on fusion: Whatever it is, we're against it
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] Zero to Infinity: The Foundations of Physics
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Zero to Infinity: The Foundations of Physics
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Zero to Infinity: The Foundations of Physics
Bryan Bishop
- [ExI] "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
- [ExI] "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] Whose Holiness the Dalai Lama is in Hospital, surgury a couple weeks ago
- [ExI] SENS3 Conference video footage
John Grigg
- [ExI] Greenpeace on fusion: Whatever it is, we're against it
John K Clark
- [ExI] ExtroBritannia: Emulating Brains, with Anders Sandberg
- [ExI] Test
Gina Miller
- [ExI] SENS3 Conference video footage
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] The New Green Aristocracy
Stefano Vaj
- [ExI] Finally, the atheism smear!
Damien Broderick
- [ExI] enceladus photos
- [ExI] Awaken the Universe, by Philippe Van Nedervelde
Eschatoon Magic
- [ExI] Awaken the Universe, by Philippe Van Nedervelde
- [ExI] "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
Last message date:
Fri Oct 31 17:35:32 UTC 2008
Archived on: Fri Oct 12 04:13:44 UTC 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).