[ExI] we choose the moon

Dan dan_ust at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 22 20:12:15 UTC 2009

On Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:05:36 AM  David C. Harris dharris at livelib.com wrote:
> Oh, memories.  All my dreams were coming true:  the moon landing
> from sci-fi books I'd read, and I had a 16 year old girlfriend
> who was brilliant, warm hearted, and very cute.  I doesn't get
> much better than that.  Well, there were those little matters of
> Vietnam, nuclear annihilation, ... but for those wonderful few
> days, humanity seemed at its best.
My friend Corey who grew up in the 1970s gave me the same sort of sentiment regarding the TV series "Cosmos." He told me that he got an overall positive feeling and that's what he likes to remember from his childhood. I recently viewed the whole series -- part of it with Corey -- and found that it does give an overall positive feeling about science and life -- even if the effects and some of the concerns are not a little dated. Anyone else see it?
This seques into a recent book that I have read or listened to yet: _Rapt: Attention and the Interested Life_ by Winifred Gallagher. Anyone read or heard of it? Is it all bull? Or are there some good insights in there?


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