[ExI] To Arms!
Lee Corbin
lcorbin at rawbw.com
Mon Mar 30 04:32:45 UTC 2009
Fred writes
> Lee Corbin wrote:
>> But it's either that or eventually perish. France, for example,
>> needs to do what it would instantly have done in any century
>> before the 20th, namely expel its Muslim population. It's
>> either that or cease eventually to have a modern western
>> society at all!
> If ever there is created a collection of ridiculous and completely
> disgusting statements to have ever been posted to this list then the
> above would surely be near the top of the list.
You have such a charming way of weaving these logically
impeccable and airtight arguments.
Oh. Oops. There wasn't an argument there. Nor even an iota of reasoning!
> Expelling the Muslim population would violate long standing principles
> of freedom of religion and rule of law and equal protection under the
> law.
Oh yes, I admitted that. Sometimes in order to survive you
have to challenge long standing principles of freedom. What
happened to the guy I used to know who proudly exhibited
the sticker "Question Authority" on the bumper of his car?
> And where would they be expelled to? Since many are French
> citizens where would they be sent?
People ridicule French ability to commit and French
resolve---but sometimes they can come through! On day
one of World War II, the French put four million men on
the line against Germany.
Four million men! And that from a country with fewer
than 50 million in total population. Could the U.S.
put 30 million men on the line even against a space
alien invasion? I doubt it.
If the traditional non-Muslim French mobilized four
million men, they could put the Muslims anywhere they
wanted this side of the moon. They could distribute
it over any set of non-nuclear Arab countries they
wanted (France, you recall, has long had The Bomb).
> I really wonder if anyone advocating expelling the
> Muslim population from France has actually given
> even a second of serious thought to the matter but
> instead just simply spewed forth with a load of
> vicious unreasoned bilge.
And what happened to the Fred C. Moulton I knew twenty
years ago who always employed carefully reasoned non-
emotional argument instead of insult (and in this case,
absurd insult)?
And do you really want to stand by the guess (for what
else could it be?) that I have not spent more than one
second of serious thought about this?
And how dare you say that *no* one who believes oppositely
from you on this issue (or on any issue) has not spent more
than a very brief time thinking it through? How do you know
that? Consulting your gut again? To me, it smacks of not
a little arrogance to so cavalierly dismiss other people's
seriousness and their ability to reason.
> I am tempted to ask if during the proposed expulsion if the Muslim
> population will be put in railway cars and if the use of cattle prods
> will be obligatory or mandatory.
My guess? (For, I admit, I haven't worked out the *logistics*
themselves in any detail, though as explained above, it could
not be that difficult). Naturally the cattle prods would be
used only if necessary. Railroad cars sound like a great way
to get them to ports on the Mediterranean, by the way.
> However I will refrain from asking those questions
Oops. Too late. Question not un-asked in time!
> but I will ask if anyone seriously thinks that expelling
> the Muslims from France would really make any progress
> in generating tolerance and progress in Europe or
> world wide.
My answer is no, it would *not* make progress in generating
tolerance. But it would *save* a great deal of the present
tolerance and rule of law always exhibited by modern European
nations and never (or very, very rarely) exhibited by Muslim
nations. If you're going to lose, it's better to lose a little
than a lot. John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and
Franklin Roosevelt understood this very well.
> Or would it cause a further conflict and suspicion?
Indeed it would. Other non-assimilatable groups around
the world would get very nervous, and very soon.
I say "good"! Assimilate or else!
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