[ExI] effect/affect again.

MB mbb386 at main.nc.us
Tue Jan 5 12:03:37 UTC 2010

> typewriter: you stumped me on that one, never heard of it.
> Actually I must be honest and disqualify myself from this one, for I am one
> who not only knows what is a typewriter, but actually used one, in college.
> I can out-geezer almost everyone here by having used the kind (in college!)
> which does not plug in to the wall.  Perhaps only Damien can match this,
> methinks.

Methinks you're still young!  I learned on such a thing in highschool. It was a
Royal, IIRC. It's one reason I *really* like the older clicky IBM keyboards, they've
got the right sound, although one need not press so hard on the keys.

The typewriter we had at home was an Underwood and it was black with round head keys
that had silver metal rims. Very attractive looking machine.

Did you have plain caps to go over the keys to teach you to "touch type" rather than


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