[ExI] Psi (no need to read this post you already know whatitsays )

Henrique Moraes Machado (CI) cetico.iconoclasta at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 18:25:36 UTC 2010

Isabelle Hakala >>I am a scientist, and I have had many things happen that I 
would consider to qualify as 'psi'. I have simply *known* when someone
>was in a car accident. I have just *known* when someone died. I have also 
>just *known* the exact moment someone read an email from me. These
>things have not happened consistently as an adult but as a child I always 
>knew when the phone was about to ring, and who was on it. Maybe none of
>those were strong enough to be considered psi, but if there is even an 
>smidgen of something that could be psi, then there are far more things that
>could be possible.

Well, can you tell which bone I broke last year and what caused it? 

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