[ExI] Psi (no need to read this post you already know what itsays )

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 20:11:45 UTC 2010

2010/1/7 Isabelle Hakala <ismirth at gmail.com>:
> I am a scientist, and I have had many things happen that I would consider to
> qualify as 'psi'. I have simply *known* when someone was in a car accident.
> I have just *known* when someone died. I have also just *known* the exact
> moment someone read an email from me. These things have not happened
> consistently as an adult but as a child I always knew when the phone was
> about to ring, and who was on it. Maybe none of those were strong enough to
> be considered psi, but if there is even an smidgen of something that could
> be psi, then there are far more things that could be possible.

Mmhhh. For me, "psi" is simply the fact that we appear to guess the
right card, in experiments that can be repeated at will,
infinitesimally more often than we statistically should.

Stefano Vaj

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