[ExI] geeky people, I need a couple of alpha testers...

Emlyn emlynoregan at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 14:15:30 UTC 2010

2010/1/29 BillK <pharos at gmail.com>:
> On 1/29/10, Emlyn wrote:
>> ... for something of very little consequence.
>>  I use an RSS to email gateway for reading newsfeeds. A couple of days
>>  ago the free service I use went to non-free. Crap. I figured "it can't
>>  be hard to make one of these", and wrote one.
> Maybe I'm being extra geekly, but why on earth would you want to read
> the RSS firehose in your email?  Don't you get enough email as it is?
> :)

That's a really fair criticism. I tried newsreaders a few times, and
just couldn't get into them, i'd just stop looking at them after a
while. I've found for years that I was a one messaging app person, and
that app is gmail; if it doesn't hit my gmail it doesn't exist. Even
facebook, of which I am an embarrassingly heavy user, is only really
sticky for me because of email notifications. I use twitter a bit via
a firefox add-on, but not much; it wont play well with email, and so
I'm not a big fan.

It's a sign I'm getting old I guess, I'm getting stuck on old
paradigms (although it's not email, it's gmail that I like). But, I
think I'm not the only email centric person around, even on this list.

Maybe one day google wave will dislodge me from my anachronisms? Just
now though, it's still email for me.

(btw you should see my crazy filter list :-) )

http://www.songsofmiseryanddespair.com - My show, Fringe 2010
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