[ExI] proton measurement upset
Damien Broderick
thespike at satx.rr.com
Thu Jul 8 19:42:41 UTC 2010
On 7/8/2010 2:04 PM, Gregory Jones wrote:
> A touch smaller? 4% is huuuge. Did they mean 4 parts per billion?
> I know it is premature judgment and all that, but this result must be
> wrong, waaaaay wrong.
The proton seems to be 0.00000000000003 millimetres smaller than
researchers previously thought, according to work published in today's
issue of Nature1.
The difference is so infinitesimal that it might defy belief that
anyone, even physicists, would care. But the new measurements could mean
that there is a gap in existing theories of quantum mechanics. "It's a
very serious discrepancy," says Ingo Sick, a physicist at the University
of Basel in Switzerland, who has tried to reconcile the finding with
four decades of previous measurements. "There is really something
seriously wrong someplace."
Protons are among the most common particles out there. Together with
their neutral counterparts, neutrons, they form the nuclei of every atom
in the Universe. But despite its everday appearance, the proton remains
something of a mystery to nuclear physicists, says Randolf Pohl, a
researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching,
Germany, and an author on the Nature paper. "We don't understand a lot
of its internal structure," he says.
From afar, the proton looks like a small point of positive charge, but
on much closer inspection, the particle is more complex. Each proton is
made of smaller fundamental particles called quarks, and that means its
charge is roughly spread throughout a spherical area.
Physicists can measure the size of the proton by watching as an electron
interacts with a proton. A single electron orbiting a proton can occupy
only certain, discrete energy levels, which are described by the laws of
quantum mechanics. Some of these energy levels depend in part on the
size of the proton, and since the 1960s physicists have made hundreds of
measurements of the proton's size with staggering accuracy. The most
recent estimates, made by Sick using previous data, put the radius of
the proton at around 0.8768 femtometres (1 femtometre = 10-15 metres).
Small wonder
Pohl and his team have a come up with a smaller number by using a cousin
of the electron, known as the muon. Muons are about 200 times heavier
than electrons, making them more sensitive to the proton's size. To
measure the proton radius using the muon, Pohl and his colleagues fired
muons from a particle accelerator at a cloud of hydrogen. Hydrogen
nuclei each consist of a single proton, orbited by an electron.
Sometimes a muon replaces an electron and orbits around a proton. Using
lasers, the team measured relevant muonic energy levels with extremely
high accuracy and found that the proton was around 4% smaller than
previously thought.
That might not sound like much, but the difference is so far from
previous measurements that the researchers actually missed it the first
two times they ran the experiment in 2003 and 2007. "We thought that our
laser system was not good enough," Pohl says. In 2009, they looked
beyond the narrow range in which they expected to see the proton radius
and saw an unmistakable signal.
"What gives? I don't know," says Sick. He says he believes the new
result, but that there is no obvious way to make it compatible with
years of earlier measurements.
"Something is missing, this is very clear," agrees Carl Carlson, a
theoretical physicist at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg,
Virginia. The most intriguing possibility is that previously undetected
particles are changing the interaction of the muon and the proton. Such
particles could be the 'superpartners' of existing particles, as
predicted by a theory known as supersymmetry, which seeks to unite all
of the fundamental forces of physics, except gravity.
But, Carlson says, "the first thing is to go through the existing
calculations with a fine tooth comb". It could be that an error was
made, or that approximations made in existing quantum calculation simply
aren't good enough. "Right now, I'd put my money on some other
correction," he says. "It's also where my research time will be going
over the next month."
1. Pohl, R. et al. Nature 466, 213-217 (2010). | Article
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