[ExI] Sarah Palin

Gregory Jones spike66 at att.net
Tue Jul 20 18:20:50 UTC 2010

--- On Tue, 7/20/10, Adrian Tymes <wingcat at pacbell.net> wrote:

--- On Tue, 7/20/10, John Clark <jonkc at bellsouth.net> wrote:

On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:55 AM, Robert Picone wrote:

 no, not the same fascistsYes, the exact same fascists who nearly universally agree that it's a good thing to murder someone who writes a novel or draws a cartoon they don't like.

The facts say otherwise.

These particular [Methodists] ... who intend to put the [synagogue] ... there, have demonstrated
through their words and actions...In any case, I believe that this thread is both off-topic for and harmful to this list,
and should be ended immediately.  Do the list mods agree?

Point taken, although I have seen way worse than this on ExI-chat.  
I would suggest, if discussing a particular sect or religion, do avoid naming names, for this will enable key word searches, possibly drawing unwanted attention to the writer.  If one must, I would suggest using those known to be harmless, such as Quakers or Episcopalians.
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