[ExI] accidental posting of a private com: was RE: Self-directed Evolution and the Future of Man

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu May 13 21:43:52 UTC 2010

> ...On Behalf Of natasha at natasha.cc
> (Psst ... I think my "mia culpa" was an indication that even 
> though my intention was to be supportive...  Natasha

Natasha, you are among friends here.  Most everyone on ExI-chat has at one
time or anther accidentally posted something to the list which was supposed
to be private.  Microsloth's accursed email feature automatically fills in
ExI-chat if I hit "e" in the address line.  I didn't see one thing in your
accidental post that would require explanation or apology, and even if it
had, one can usually tell when a private post was accidentally outed.  No
need to be hard on yourself.  {8-]


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