[ExI] Binary proof of evolution

ablainey at aol.com ablainey at aol.com
Mon Sep 27 03:45:38 UTC 2010

 LOL, Your thinking too hard. ok back to the begining.  Imagine the bards work described as a line of zeros and ones as it is written in bits on a hard drive (ignoring interleaving and compression). That is your target string.
Next a string of zeros and ones which have been generated from a random noise source not a psuedo random computer. You line this up underneath your target and compare. If 'no match' you then get another random bit and shift the string left and disregard the previous first bit. Repeat until a match occurs. Or start at the beggining and generate the frist bit and if it matches go onto the next. Start again if a failed comparisson occurs.
In the first method you will get part matches all over the place, the second will give the start of the string and then fail. but in either case the excercise isn't complete until all bits match. 

Just as you can write down a random string of heads and tails then flip a coin until It matches that exact string. Its just a very long string of coin flips that will take a veeeeeeery long time for random input to match the target. I would suggest one of Shakespears shorter works to start with, perhaps his little known "2 pints today please" letter to his milkman?
An example the target 'hello' would be 001011010100110001101100011011011110110 The random generator shouldn't take to long to match it but the problem gets exponetially more difficult due to probability. But it will happen at some point.

To me this is a much harder problem than evolution itself as In a way evolution/chemistry keeps the matched sections and they become building blocks rather than restarting each time. After all if a dna sequence fails the animal dies, but the chemical building blocks don't disintegrate into subatomic +/- charged particles. If you like you can imagine that 01 = hydrogen and once created it stays stable until a string with an affinity comes along like oxygen 000000001 giving us a compound string of 01000000001. Its then easy to see that large chunks of binary give a greater chance of coming together to match the target string per number of tries. It would only take the chemical binary chunks  001011010100110001 and  101100011011011110110 to come together to match out 'hello' target.



-----Original Message-----
From: Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com>
To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 2:46
Subject: Re: [ExI] Binary proof of evolution

On 9/26/2010 8:31 PM, ablainey at aol.com wrote: 
> Not supposed to be evolution just a demonstration of how total 
> randomness can create something which evolution has created. 
I think you still don't get it, A. Total randomness can't do anything of the sort. The closest event that comes to mind is the generation of a star out of a random aggregation of untold quadrillions of particles that after hundreds of millions of years coalesce into a shrinking, slowly heating blob. For that, you need a gravitational field that doesn't exist on your computer screen unless you put it into the program by hand, along with a humungous physics engine to constrain what the random infalling thingies do when they start getting squeezed. Don't try this at home, kids. 
Damien Broderick 
extropy-chat mailing list 
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org 

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