[ExI] Binary proof of evolution

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Sep 27 05:16:21 UTC 2010


> ...On Behalf Of Damien Broderick
> Subject: Re: [ExI] Binary proof of evolution
> On 9/26/2010 8:31 PM, ablainey at aol.com wrote:
> > Not supposed to be evolution just a demonstration of how total 
> > randomness can create something which evolution has created.
> ...Total randomness can't do 
> anything of the sort. The closest event that comes to mind is 
> the generation of a star out of a random aggregation of 
> untold quadrillions of particles that after hundreds of 
> millions of years coalesce into a shrinking, slowly heating 
> blob... Damien Broderick

Ja, understatement.  Even Damien's example isn't completely random, as shown
by the COBE results.  After the big bang, there was a very slight anisotopy,
a very slight variation in the distribution of matter and energy, which
resulted in every star and every galaxy that eventually formed.  This is a
waaaay cool concept in itself because it represents broken symmetry, which
is hard to explain with current inflation models.  But this is for sure: it
happened.  We can see the remnants to this day in the form of a few
microdegrees variation in the background radiation.

Regarding the role of randomness in evolution, that notion is most commonly
heard today as used by those who are actually arguing against evolution, and
are presenting an argument for how we know god did it all.  A cell didn't
somehow randomly fall together.  Rather, there were a lot of necessary
preliminary steps that we don't fully understand, but we know they happened.


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