[ExI] Hitch belongs to the ages

Kelly Anderson kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Sun Dec 18 01:10:52 UTC 2011

On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 6:44 AM, David Lubkin <lubkin at unreasonable.com> wrote:
> I found him a pleasure to read and to listen to, whether I agreed with him
> on the subject in question or not. The nearest, perhaps, we'll get to
> encountering Orwell, minus the sf.

I feel just this way as well.

> I love that the Vatican asked him to serve as the unofficial Devil's
> Advocate for Mother Teresa.

When I heard that he was down on Mother Teresa, I was shocked... then
I heard his reasoning, and I was persuaded. A man with the ability to
reason that logically and persuasively does not come along every day.
I listened to his entire autobiography, and he seemed to be where the
action was for a long time. What a loss.

I don't suppose he was slated for brain preservation?

> And although he forcefully presented his viewpoint, it didn't interfere
> with his befriending a wide range of people who violently disagreed
> with him, which speaks well of him. Too many people  -- including some
> in our community -- will shun someone solely for holding ideas they
> disagree with. (When I hold my parties, I have to juggle who to invite,
> because W won't attend if X does and likewise for Y and Z.)

Yes, he seemed very friendly with Blair in their debate, which was enchanting.

> This is my favorite picture in the slide show at Vanity Fair:
> <http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2011/12/christopher-hitchens-slideshow-201112?slide=13>

Interesting fellow.

I listened to him read Hitch-22 on an audio book, which made the book
very personal. I really feel like I have a good feeling for him, and I
will miss him quite a lot. Sad day.


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