[ExI] Moooon
ddraig at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 02:46:50 UTC 2011
On 21 July 2011 05:32, Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
> And here we are on the 42nd anniversary of the first Moon landing. Two
> generations later, just about. No Luna City. Not even a Luna Hovel. Sigh.
Funny, I just bitched about exactly this, earlier. I was born in 1968
- I grew up on the wild and, it seems, utterly outlandish speculations
of Science Fiction Writers. Those bastards built up my hopes, and
reality cruelly shattered them. Then backed a car over them. Then
screeched off laughing.
I honestly expected to have made it into space before now, and yet,
here I am, still on this Single Point Of Failure ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
little blue rock.
SF Authors! Peddlers of false hopes! BURN THEM ALL.
oh yeah, present company excepted ;p
How many SF authors are here, anyways? You, Charlie Stross (hey
Charlie, I read one of your books, I quite liked it), anyone else? Do
you find it frustrating that you can imagine and write about a clear
path of development, but real world implementation issues bog
everything down?
ddraig at pobox.com irc.deoxy.org #chat
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