[ExI] Fwd: Study Reveals TA-65 Behavior
Keith Henson
hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Fri May 6 04:06:35 UTC 2011
I have been following this topic since the late 1970s
All I can say is *wow*.
*Study Reveals TA-65 Behavior
*Drug Discovery & Development - May 05, 2011
A study, “The Telomerase Activator TA-65 elongates short telomeres and
increases healthspan of adult/old mice without increasing cancer incidence”
describes TA-65’s mechanism of action and organismal response.
Maria Blasco, the head of the National Cancer Research Center in Spain, and
her colleagues demonstrated that TA-65, a naturally occurring molecule
derived from the Astragalus plant, activates the telomerase enzyme,
lengthens critically short telomeres, rescues cells in various organ
systems, and improves healthspan. This activity was not observed in the
control group.
The Blasco study states, “TA-65 dietary supplementation in female mice leads
to an improvement of certain health-span indicators including glucose
tolerance, osteoporosis and skin fitness, without significantly increasing
global cancer incidence”.
“This study proves the efficacy and legitimacy of TA-65. For the first
time in medical history there is something which has the potential to
effectively lessen and possibly eliminate the crippling effects of aging
decline and degradation caused by insufficient telomerase and short
telomeres,” says Noel Thomas Patton, founder of TA Sciences,
Release Date: April 12, 2011
Source: T.A. Sciences <http://www.tasciences.com/>
*TA-65 Anti-Aging Study Shows Health Increase In Adult and Old Mice from
Telomerase Lengthening* Use of Our
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This Article<http://emediahealth.com/2011/04/23/ta-65-anti-aging-study-shows-health-increase-in-adult-and-old-mice-from-telomerase-lengthening/print/>
Posted on April 23,
Alison <http://emediahealth.com/author/alison/>
The biomedical research journal Aging Cell recently published a study
entitled Telomerase activator TA-65 elongates short telomeres and increases
health span of adult/old mice without increasing cancer
The research adds to the growing evidence that TA-65 can lengthen very short
telomeres and extend the healthy portion of lifespan as indicated by
measurements collected including glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity,
osteoporosis, and skin condition. The study also examined changes in cancer
rates between the control group and TA-65 supplemented group. There was a
small but statistically insignificant increase in liver cancer rate, leading
to the authors concluding that TA-65 appears to improve health measures in
aging mice without significantly increasing cancer risk.
*Cancer Researchers Intrigued by TA-65 and Telomerase Activation*The
research was conducted in Spain by Maria Blasco of the Spanish National
Cancer Research Centre and her collaborators Bruno Bernardes de Jesus,
Kerstin Schneeberger, Elsa Vera, Agueda Tejera, and Calvin Harley. Cancer
researchers are highly interested in the understanding of telomeres and
telomerase because the majority of cancers appear to multiply rapidly in
large part due to the involvement of the telomerase enzyme that repairs the
telomere end caps on DNA strands, thus allowing unlimited replication of
cancer cells. A major concern with TA-65 and similar compounds such as
Geron’s TAT2 is that they may encourage the growth of cancers. This study
shows that the risk of this appears to be low.
Some believe that this is partly due to how TA-65, TAT2, and other
telomerase activators tend to supercharge the immune system and thereby
enable the body to destroy microscopic cancer tumors rapidly before they get
out of control. If so, it is yet another one of the many double-edge swords
of biology in which a single compound that can destroy health can also
immensely benefit health. In biology, context is everything. A failure to
appreciate the overall systemic role of any one biochemical tends to result
in people creating all-good or all-bad oversimplifications that mislead the
public and even many other scientists. For example, consider how LDL
cholesterol has gotten such an immensely bad rap that it has resulted in the
development of numerous very dangerous drug and diet regimens that actually
destroy people’s health by interrupting chemical pathways in the body that
can create cholesterol. In the process, such treatments deplete the body of
CoQ10, damage mitochondrial health, lower measured levels of necessary sex
hormones, and do little to change the overall risk for cardiovascular
disease. Ironically, some of the treatments can actually increase the risk
of cardiovascular diseases despite lowering the popularly maligned LDL
It’s likely that TA-65, TAT2, and any other telomerase activators are not
going to be either a panacea or a high-priced carcinogenic scam. Aging is
immensely complicated. Frequently it appears that causes of one aging
mechanisms are the effects of other aging mechanisms. In such complex
systems, it is imprudent or even outright irresponsible to oversimplify the
role of any one mechanism such as telomere lengthening. To declare it as
either the “key to reversing aging” or the “key to runaway cancer growth” is
misleading. For starters, telomerase activation may be both at the same time
simply depending upon which cells are using it at the moment.
*Do Today’s Telomerase Activators Increase Lifespan?*There are many
questions about just how bioavailable any of the currently researched
telomerase activators truly are. Additionally, many point out that they seem
to function mostly by increasing telomere length of very short telomeres
without affecting the length of telomeres in most cells. Some question
whether there may be other as yet unknown mechanisms for their actions that
could explain these seemingly conflicting observations. There is still no
conclusive proof that any of the current crop of telomerase activators can
extend lifespan of humans.
It’s my personal view that telomere lengthening will one day be regarded as
one major component in workable anti-aging medicine for the masses.
Unfortunately, at present TA-65 is still very expensive and furthermore the
available dosages and observable effects are probably only a fraction of
what is needed to make a huge difference on its own. Even if that changes
markedly, I still believe that many other areas of aging must be addressed
in concert for their to be huge change in health or lifespan of humans.
My particular favorite target today is mitochondrial dysfunction. Poorly
functioning mitochondria are implicated in so many devastating diseases of
aging such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, chronic kidney disease,
chronic liver disease, congestive heart failure, and much more. There are
actually many inexpensive supplements available to target mitochondrial
dysfunction at a reasonable cost and they have substantially more research
backing for effectiveness at improving health than any telomerase activators
do yet.
Consider carnitine as an example of one inexpensive but highly effective
supplement for improving mitochondrial health. In recent weeks, I’ve written
several articles on carnitine supplements that are an excellent first step
to improving your mitochondrial health and thereby lowering risk for
diabetes, liver disease, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative
diseases. Carnitine can be used at much lower cost than more esoteric
supplements such as TA-65. A daily dose of 500mg of carnitine per day can be
had in capsule form starting at less than $3 per month versus $200 per month
for the starting dosages of TA-65. Granted, carnitine is probably not going
to directly increase the length of short telomeres as it is not a telomerase
activator. But what it can do is to help your mitochondria body burn off
fats, reshape LDL cholesterol to be more light and fluffy and thereby less
likely to trigger cardiovascular disease, and in the process reduce
inflammation, glycation, and oxidative damage that may themselves lead to
more rapid shortening of telomeres. Carnitine has no significant risk when
used in reasonable quantities (generally regarded as up to around 2000mg per
day) because it is a natural healthy nutritional component of commonly
consumed red meats such as beef that is not present in sufficient quantities
in most other food sources. Most people who are trying to “eat healthy”
often suffer from low carnitine levels by following the common advice to
avoid conventionally prepared fatty red meats. Doing so does help avoid
unhealthy omega 6 fats and glycated proteins, but it wipes out the most
plentiful source of carnitine in the diet. Thus carnitine supplements are a
great way to get back this important mitochondrial nutrient in combination
with a diet low in fatty red meats. Take a look at L-Carnitine Helps Reduce
LDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Blood Glucose, and Insulin in Fatty Liver
Disease and Diabetes
May Suffer Shorter Life Due to Carnitine, Carnosine, and Vitamin B12
more information.
To learn more about how lengthening telomeres is just one component of a
complete anti-aging protocol, see TA-65 Telomere Lengthening Just One Part
of Anti-Aging Healthcare<http://emediahealth.com/2010/10/15/ta-65-telomere-lengthening-just-one-part-of-anti-aging-healthcare/>
*Accusations of Financial Conflicts of Interest*Some biomedical researchers
are criticizing the researchers behind the recent TA-65 study for financial
conflict of interest as they have been involved in the development of TA-65
or operations of businesses offering related anti-aging testing services
such as telomere length measurement. In general, it has been clear for
decades that the people interested in the field of anti-aging medicine often
have both a strong personal interest in the topic and also make their
livings from their work in the field. They certainly could be influenced by
monetary considerations. But that is true of anybody working in biomedical
research, even many who think they have no conflicts of interest.
For example, Judith Campisi of California’s Buck Institute for Research on
Aging points to how Maria Blasco is involved in a start-up for-profit
business offering telomere length measurement testing services. She finds
the timing of the research study’s release to be suspicious given the recent
launch of Blasco’s new company Life Lengths.
What is naive or even disingenuous on the part of critics such as Campisi is
their failure to admit they may have financial motivations themselves. The
success of competing anti-aging supplements such as TA-65 or drugs in
development such as TAT2 represents a financial threat to themselves. If
TA-65 or any supplement or drug were to be conclusively shown to have
life-lengthening properties and thereby become widely used, it could
endanger the ability of these critics to continue their research in their
areas of specialization. That’s the case even if these critics are not
working in what is considered strictly anti-aging medicine. For instance, if
TA-65 or Geron’s TAT2 or other astragalus derivatives were someday shown to
be highly effective and became inexpensive enough for widespread use for
immune system boosting in people with chronic viral infections such as
herpes and AIDS, it could represent a significant financial risk to
thousands of employees of companies and institutes selling widely used
anti-viral medications.
Ultimately, it is very easy to toss around the charge of financial bias
regarding anybody working in biomedical research but virtually impossible to
conclusively prove there is no such conflict of interest. Scientists often
work as competitors to each other, even if they have no financial ownership
in their employers or any businesses in the biomedical field. Just look at
the history of the discovery of DNA and its structure to understand that
publicly recognized giants in the field such as Watson, Crick, Pauling,
Wilkins, Franklin, and others were both fiercely competitive with each other
and quick to use discoveries the others made even for their own purposes
even though there was no immediately obvious way to make a huge profit out
of such discoveries at the time.
Don’t let claims of financial bias scare you too much. Consumers are going
to have to practice a certain level of “buyer beware” thinking, carefully
considering that virtually everybody writing about anti-aging nutrition and
medicine has some level of financial interest in it just as is the case in
basically every other marketplace. That’s why it is important to look for
multiple studies behind any type of health care product. Any one or two
studies could be really flawed or outright biased, but if you can find 10 or
20 studies from a variety of universities, clinics, and companies backing up
the effectiveness of a particular drug or nutrient then it is unlikely that
all of them will be flawed, especially if most show similar benefits and
discussion of how the drug or nutrient works and any side effects it may
have. Even after you select a product that looks promising, be sure to give
it a try with some objective attempts to measure its impact on your health
such as via routine blood testing to monitor for effect.
*Further Reading* TA-65 Customer Interviewed by CBS Los Angeles
Channel 2<http://emediahealth.com/2010/11/27/ta-65-customer-interviewed-by-cbs-los-angeles-channel-2/>
How Astragalus Extracts Help Immune System Fight
TA-65 Telomere Lengthening Just One Part of Anti-Aging
Is TA-65 the Means to
TA-65 Telomere Activation and Right to Healthcare
Breakthrough in vivo Scientific Study Published: TA-65 Increases
Healthspan, Renews Organ Systems, and Increases Critically Short Telomere
Turning on Immortality: The Debate Over Telomerase
The telomerase activator TA-65 elongates short telomeres and increases
health span of adult/old mice without increasing cancer incidence
New Anti-Aging Pill Under
Discovery of DNA Structure and Function: Watson and
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. The products mentioned in this post and on this website are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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*The telomerase activator TA-65 elongates short telomeres and increases
health span of adult/old mice without increasing cancer incidence*
1. Bruno Bernardes de Jesus1,
2. Kerstin Schneeberger1,
3. Elsa Vera1,2,
4. Agueda Tejera1,
5. Calvin B. Harley3,
6. Maria A. Blasco1
Article first published online: 14 APR 2011
DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-9726.2011.00700.x
© 2011 The Authors. Aging Cell © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/Anatomical
Society of Great Britain and Ireland
[image: Cover image for Vol. 10 Issue 2]
*Aging Cell*Early View (Online Version of Record published before inclusion
in an issue)
Additional Information (Show
How to Cite<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1474-9726.2011.00700.x/abstract#>
*How to Cite*de Jesus, B. B., Schneeberger, K., Vera, E., Tejera, A.,
Harley, C. B. and Blasco, M. A. (2011), The telomerase activator TA-65
elongates short telomeres and increases health span of adult/old mice
without increasing cancer incidence. Aging Cell, 10: no. doi:
*Author Information*
1. 1
2. Telomeres and Telomerase Group, Molecular Oncology Program, Spanish
National Cancer Centre, Melchor Fernández Almagro 3, Madrid E-28029, Spain
3. 2
4. Life Length, Agustín de Betancourt 21, Madrid E-28003, Spain
5. 3
6. Telome Health, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
*Correspondence: *Maria A. Blasco, Telomeres and Telomerase Group, Molecular
Oncology Program, Spanish National Cancer Centre, Melchor Fernández Almagro
3, Madrid, E-28029, Spain. Tel.: +34-917328034; fax: +34-917328028; e-mail:*
mblasco at cnio.es
*Publication History*
1. Article first published online: 14 APR 2011
2. Accepted manuscript online: 22 MAR 2011 09:26AM EST
3. Accepted for publication *9th February 2011*
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- telomerase activation;
- TA-65;
- telomere length;
- aging;
- mouse
*Summary*Here, we show that a small-molecule activator of telomerase (TA-65)
purified from the root of *Astragalus membranaceus* is capable of increasing
average telomere length and decreasing the percentage of critically short
telomeres and of DNA damage in haploinsufficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts
(MEFs) that harbor critically short telomeres and a single copy of the
telomerase RNA *Terc* gene (G3 *Terc+/ *MEFs). Importantly, TA-65 does not
cause telomere elongation or rescue DNA damage in similarly treated
telomerase-deficient G3 *Terc / *littermate MEFs. These results indicate
that TA-65 treatment results in telomerase-dependent elongation of short
telomeres and rescue of associated DNA damage, thus demonstrating that TA-65
mechanism of action is through the telomerase pathway. In addition, we
demonstrate that TA-65 is capable of increasing mouse telomerase reverse
transcriptase levels in some mouse tissues and elongating critically short
telomeres when supplemented as part of a standard diet in mice. Finally,
TA-65 dietary supplementation in female mice leads to an improvement of
certain health-span indicators including glucose tolerance, osteoporosis and
skin fitness, without significantly increasing global cancer incidence.
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PDF (1026K)<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1474-9726.2011.00700.x/pdf>
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