[ExI] list test

Andrew Mckee andymck35 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 28 21:29:48 UTC 2013

On Sun, 28 Jul 2013 20:45:54 +1200, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:

> In this case the extropy.org registration expired on 21 July 2013
> causing extropy.org and their lists to go dead.
> The registration was renewed on 27 July 2013 and life restarted.
> I am surprised how often this happens to internet companies, even big
> companies like Microsoft.
> Makes one think that there must be a better system just waiting to be
> implemented.

Well for a start I can't but help wonder why our emails are being shuffled  
around by their domain names rather than actual TCP/IP address's.

The system as it is, seems more like it's being geared to make someone a  
bundle of money for a name on the internet, well that and it gives someone  
a means of turning the internet off if they want to.

Bring on the encrypted peer to peer email services.


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