[ExI] Basic Income - Basic Housing?

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Apr 8 16:40:41 UTC 2014



From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of William Flynn
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 9:12 AM
To: ExI chat list
Subject: Re: [ExI] Basic Income - Basic Housing?


>.For anyone:  just when did it change?   By definition, a person seriously
mentally ill is not able to partake in any legal anything.  His opinion does
not matter.  In my day you could get someone involuntarily committed with a
judge and a psychiatrist.  I even saw one guy admitted because he refused
surgery on his appendix (got admitted, got the surgery - died).  bill w



It hasn't changed entirely.  A person can still be committed against their
will even if they haven't actually committed a crime.  If a person is
showing signs of Alzheimer's for instance, we know that it is intermittent
for a long time.  We know that AD patients can have a bad day and do
terribly destructive things with their own finances for instance.  So when
can the family decide this person is no longer competent to handle their own
money?  What if the AD patient has an excellent head for business and made
all the actual money, but the rest of the family is uniformly incompetent?
At what point can that family step in, place the patient in a facility from
which they are now incarcerated, and just take over the fortune?

Put yourself into this situation.  Imagine you have money and you recognize
your own ability to manage it is declining.  It is still your money.
Imagine you have one child, married to someone you don't trust entirely
perhaps, or your one offspring has known addictions.  Create your own
scenario.  At what point do you lose legal authority over your own fortune,
and at what point do you lose your freedom, all because you are growing

This is a legal gray area to this day.  

Someone offer moral guidance please.





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