[ExI] save the art tech
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 18:41:22 UTC 2016
On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 11:46 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On
> Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace
> *…*
> >…Consider the sculpture of David in Florence. What if it fell somehow?
> Could it be reproduced in tiny detail?...Of course three D images are
> routine, I suppose, and the resolution could take it down to the millimeter
> level… bill w
> Ja, the tech already exists BillW. A pair of pinpoint lasers at a known
> angle are moved fore and aft until they overlap, creating a 3D file at
> higher resolution than millimeter, although I don’t know what accuracy we
> would get if we tried in on something the scale of David. You would need a
> super-rigid support structure for the laser theodolite. Such a device can
> be found in Lockheed’s Palo Alto Research Center. Dentists use them to
> create exact copies of existing dentures.
> With that data file, we could 3D print David, then even put a surface on
> the polycarbonate copy which looks a lot like marble. We could send an
> important message to the world by digitally uncircumcising him (or is it
> decircumcising?) Then while you distract the guards, BillK swaps the copy
> for the original, sneak out the back, guards never notice until the next
> day when the curator shrieks and faints. Then we take the original, him
> set him up at the ribbon cutting at the local nudist colony. Oh we could
> have such fun with this.
> spike
> I thought it might be as you say. As for fun, I hear of a gay nightclub
> in Vegas that has a statue of David whose crotch is covered by a fig
> leaf. Once an hour it lifts, accompanied by hoots and clapping.
Now who would want a gentile David?
I think it would be a great idea to have something like you describe for
home use. I'd love to play with wood in a way that my back won't let me do
now. I guess lasers are just too expensive.
bill w
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