[ExI] ok geezer, was: RE: Meta question again
ilsa.bartlett at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 07:35:35 UTC 2016
And this resource: *Greetings and happy summer from the Brain Health
Registry! *We are thrilled to share highlights from our week in Toronto at
the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference® (AAIC), where
thousands of the world’s leading scientists and clinicians convened to
discuss the latest progress in Alzheimer’s and dementia research.
great project, I wonder what I could contribute?
smile, ilsa
Ilsa Bartlett
Institute for Rewiring the System
www.hotlux.com/angel <http://www.hotlux.com/angel.htm>
"Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to
every other person."
-John Coltrane
On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 6:04 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> My extropian friends, this topic I wrote about earlier today is near and
> dear to my heart and I mean it; it’s far more important to me than the
> dreary unpleasant and generally unproductive political stuff.
> If people will think with me on this, I will lay off the pointless and
> unproductive political droning, to the point that I stop posting about it.
> We could make a great software tool here, that could make now an even
> greater time to be alive than it already is.
> I left my entire earlier post in here, below, so you don’t need to search
> for it.
> If you have never done it, I do urge you to visit a nursing home,
> especially a memory facility if one is nearby. Note that there is little
> to no mental stimulation available to the patients there. This accelerates
> their decline, for just as being in a hospital bed leads quickly to atrophy
> in the muscles, under-stimulation of the mind makes one dumber than a
> post. The patient declines quickly after checking in. We can do better.
> We owe it to our own elders to do better. We can do better than we have
> been doing.
> I argued previously that now is a great time to be young and healthy and
> the foreseeable future is even better; well sure spike. But nearly every
> time is a great time to be young and healthy. Young is fun! My burden
> here is to create software tools to make this the best time ever to be old
> and declining.
> Review what I said below, ignore the silliness and THINK! HARD! Then
> post here. Let’s pool our best ideas, then let’s DO! FAST!
> spike
> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On
> Behalf Of *spike
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 25, 2016 11:54 AM
> *To:* 'ExI chat list' <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
> *Subject:* [ExI] ok geezer, was: RE: Meta question again
> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
> <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org>] *On Behalf Of *spike
> *>*…Oh what a time to be alive, oh my, oh freaking my, what a cool time
> to live is this… Now tell me who here thinks this generation is not better
> off than their parents, waaaay better off, better even compared to their
> older siblings…spike
> And another thing! If I haven’t already beaten this topic to death, do
> indulge me, you young people and let your old Uncle spike focus on just
> that last sentence above and offer an idea. Anyone here can take and run
> with it, do a startup, even become rich and famous, and it would please me
> if you do. Say nice things about me online. Or we can divide up: you be
> famous, I’ll be rich.
> What happened in just the last few years? WiFi hot spots! You can now
> have the internet RIGHT THERE in your pocket! And it isn’t even
> expensive! And OK Google! Now any geek can talk to a sexy woman anytime
> he wants! She’s always there (in a metaphysical sense anyway) never turns
> away in revolted disgust. (Hey, theres a game: say something that even the
> Google Girl is disgusted.) The fact that she isn’t a physical person
> literally present is a good thing actually: first, it keeps us married guys
> from getting into trouble and second, she doesn’t need to look at us, which
> would perhaps result in that sexy computer-generated voice making such
> astute observations as: eeewwww.
> Furthermore, it is even possible that the voice really isn’t as dazzling
> as she sounds. Nah, that couldn’t be; she must be a knockout.
> But I digress. Nobody offered any fun OK Google game suggestions, doh.
> In any case, it gave me an idea.
> In my life I have had to thrice deal with Alzheimers. No not me, dammit.
> Not yet anyway. I meant with family members with Alzheimers, who spent
> their last days in a nursing home, all three. Plenty of us here have dealt
> with that, and if you haven’t, lucky you, damn lucky you. Go to a nursing
> home, or even better a specialized memory care facility and get up to speed
> on that please.
> One well-known characteristic of AD patients is that they repeat
> themselves, a lot. One well-known characteristic of AD patients is that
> they repeat themselves, a lot.
> If people are not up to speed on how to deal with it, they usually do
> exactly the wrong thing. When the patient repeats a previous comment two
> minutes later, the non-afflicted interlocutor often expresses unpleasant
> surprise, annoyance or shock, or all of these. This reaction is noted by
> the patient, creating instant negative feedback. AD patients often think
> they have said something offensive, have no idea what it was, and shut
> down. A sensitive patient is suddenly carrying the additional burden of
> having offended the interlocutor, and seem to be apologizing all the time.
> Not recalling they apologized, they do it again and again, when they didn’t
> do or say anything wrong to start with. This becomes tedious in a hurry.
> Go to a nursing home, see for yourself please.
> A week ago, I proposed the OK Google game, with funny or insightful
> comebacks to easily-foreseen inputs to OK Google, such as the lonely geek
> trying to get the Google Girl to talk dirty to him. Correctly realizing
> that this free timewaster is so much easier and cheaper than the usual way
> geeks get girls to talk dirty to them, they could entertain themselves
> indefinitely with such classics as Google Girl, will you kiss and carry on
> with me? Response: Go ahead, it’s your phone. That sorta, thing, we could
> have such fun writing the scripts.
> Let’s take this same idea, an online voice-recognition icon graphics text
> to speech program, and make it tuned to stuff that AD patients might utter,
> for one well-known characteristic of AD patients is that they repeat
> themselves, a lot. The right way to deal with that is to remember exactly
> what you said last time the patient made that comment, and respond the same
> way you did before. You give the patient positive feedback, and perhaps it
> will store correctly the second time, perhaps not, or the third time or the
> tenth, but… if we were to automate that process, it might work a lot better
> in getting the AD patient unstuck in that loop.
> Imagine we create an OK Geezer app, on the computer, with an attractive
> but not necessarily youthful icon, such as one resembling Jill Stein,
> perhaps even with Dr. Stein’s mellifluous and strangely provocative voice,
> but not her actual… like… ideas. We supply the responses, Jill supplies
> those good looks. Guys from the National Geographic generation will love
> it! We could even make one for the ladies, with an even more aged but
> pleasant enough appearance, such as Joe Biden. But without Joe’s ideas.
> Then we anticipate stuff that AD patients might say, load them into OK
> Geezer, and have a hell of a cool little game. We wouldn’t even need to
> call it something as overt as OK Geezer. Alternatives?
> PokemonGoToTheBathroom? ThanksForTheMemories?
> Anyone who wants to work together on a startup, here am I. We have a
> clear enough problem statement: One well-known characteristic of AD
> patients is that they repeat themselves, a lot. We have icon-designers (my
> own ten yr old son can make good icons.) We have speech recognition
> software. We have all you young software hipsters. We could do a startup
> without ever leaving our own homes. I can write a few witty comebacks to
> those horny old geezers trying to schmooze up to Jill, some of you ladies
> can write some for Joe. We can get two phones or two computers, run OK
> Geezer on itself and let Jill and Joe schmooze each other. That should be
> rather hilarious, and perhaps oddly provocative.
> Think about it. Better idea: go visit a nursing home, stay inside that
> facility for at least one half hour, talk, look and listen. If you have an
> elderly family member or friend already there, then spend at least one full
> dammit hour inside their facility. Talk, look, listen. Then come back,
> and think about it. Then let’s do something, shall we?
> Now is a great time to be young. But it has always been fun to be young,
> ja? We have the opportunity to make now a great time to be old too.
> spike
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