[ExI] ok geezer, was: RE: Meta question again
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 27 18:27:55 UTC 2016
I think Google might have donated money to get HP Chromebooks for my son's
fifth grade classroom; they have 40 Chromebooks in there and only 28
students. At 200 a pop I would donate a few to Clare Bridge, if some Google
person would propose this OK Geezer notion and we can make them worth
having spike
It's such a good idea that it will happen. Actually the Acer Chromebook I
have is 15.6" and I don't miss my 17" toshiba at all, and as I said
earlier, perfectly satisfied with it.
Orson Scott Card's series on Ender features a 'woman' who 'woke up' on the
software. An AI, then. From that book and others I've read convince me
that people will treat an AI as a person, and a cognitively challenged
person even more so.
And if Eliza is still out there, why not get ahold of that and update it?
bill w
On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 12:39 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> >... On Behalf Of spike
> Subject: Re: [ExI] ok geezer, was: RE: Meta question again
> -----Original Message-----
> From: extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On
> Behalf
> Of spike
> >>...If we look at it that way, a modified version of OK Google can almost
> already do that, or if OK Google could market a modifiable version of
> whatever their script does, I would buy the hell outta that.
> >>...Have we any Google people who can propose it to their company?
> spike
> _______________________________________________
> >...The modified version of OK Google would go out to a specialized
> database
> instead of the web. Oh this seems like a snap for those talented coders at
> Google...spike
> _______________________________________________
> You thought I was done with ya? Well almost. Kidding bygones, I am not
> done with yas until I have something approximating an OK Geezer in my
> hands.
> I had an idea regarding hardware, those HP Chromebooks. They aren't very
> powerful processors, not a lot of memory, not really fast, but they are
> rugged and cheap, a perfectly adequate platform for this app.
> A couple hundred bucks gets us a 14" screen, with enough resolution to
> showcase Dr. Stein's understated beauty. It occurred to me that we
> wouldn't
> even need to synchronize the avatar to the speech. We wouldn't really need
> an avatar at all; that is overkill for this purpose. We could get looping
> video of Jill listening, run that video while the patent is talking, then
> take looping video of Jill speaking without the sound, and run that while
> we
> deliver the database-generated witty crackling repartee. That video is
> free; we screen capture it from the approximately 7 minutes of total
> coverage the mainstream news sources gave Dr. Stein.
> The video is not synchronized with the audio, so it wouldn't work for the
> deaf patients. Those hapless few couldn't hear the entertaining
> computer-generated audio but would read her lips and wonder why this
> attractive woman responds to any comment regardless of the topic with the
> same wacky lecture on why every known or proposed energy source is a bad
> thing. So that needs work. But for the rest of the patients, that looping
> video notion should meet spec.
> Or think on this: the video could be customized: instead of Dr. Stein, we
> could use looping video of our own perhaps late sweethearts and brides
> doing
> the talking and listening, or our grandchildren if we are lucky enough to
> have them, or perhaps even a cherished long-passed pet for those who talked
> to their adoring dog. We could even tune them to specialized stuff, such
> as
> for elderly gay patients: make a lilty-voiced text to speech with looping
> video of Rock Hudson and Jim Neighbors. Or more entertainment-oriented
> video, such as commentary by the umpire of college students doing dilduels,
> or mixed-gender dildo ice breaking contests, that sorta thing. Hey that's
> video even I would buy.
> But I digress.
> Back to the HP Chromebook idea: those things are a couple hundred bucks
> each, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled. The low-end memory care facilities cost
> more than that per day of residence, that's a lower end facility. Read
> that
> sentence again and ponder it please. It isn't a typo or an exaggeration.
> HP Chromebooks, one for each patient, or hell why not two? Then the
> patient
> having a discussion with Jill and Joe might imagine he is telling his
> attractive young grandchildren how it was in the old days, or might have
> fun
> listening as Jill and Joe engage each other, trying to outwit or seduce,
> that sort of thing.
> I think Google might have donated money to get HP Chromebooks for my son's
> fifth grade classroom; they have 40 Chromebooks in there and only 28
> students. At 200 a pop I would donate a few to Clare Bridge, if some
> Google
> person would propose this OK Geezer notion and we can make them worth
> having.
> spike
> _______________________________________________
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