[ExI] addiction solution?

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 14:16:26 UTC 2017

Stathis wrote: If there are no good systematic studies of these, how do you
know that they work and it isn’t just placebo effect, and that they don’t
cause some other long term side-effect? If you stopped the naproxen and
nothing happened then I suspect if you stopped the curvumin and boswellia
(which seem quite a bit more expensive than naproxen on a cursory online
search), or replaced them with something else such as green tea, nothing
would happen.
Well, we don't know.  But if it's a placebo effect it's a powerful one.
And if the herbs are dangerous it would have been found out thousands of
years ago.  At 75 I"ll deal with the present problems.  Long term effects
are not under consideration.  There are other anti-inflammatories that may
work as well, but why give up what seems to be working?  Cost is also not a

bill w

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 6:55 PM, Stathis Papaioannou <stathisp at gmail.com>

> On Tue, 26 Sep 2017 at 8:10 pm, William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thank you Dan and Dave - I just don't know where my mind went.
>> Here is another/new addiction problem:  doctors never, in my experience,
>> suggest meds other than prescription ones which Big PHarm pays them to push.
> Drug companies try to influence doctors with advertising claiming efficacy
> for their drug, but how do they pay them to push the drug? I know some
> doctors who go to great length to avoid any contact with drug company reps
> and avoid any events or perks (such as lunch) that might come from drug
> companies, but they still end up prescribing the same drugs.
> I got off Naproxen (did I post that?) when the People's Pharmacy, which I
>> do trust, posted a scary journal article about nsaids.  No osteoprthritis
>> pain came back, apparently because I also have been taking curcumin and
>> boswellia - anti-inflammatories.
> If there are no good systematic studies of these, how do you know that
> they work and it isn’t just placebo effect, and that they don’t cause some
> other long term side-effect? If you stopped the naproxen and nothing
> happened then I suspect if you stopped the curvumin and boswellia (which
> seem quite a bit more expensive than naproxen on a cursory online search),
> or replaced them with something else such as green tea, nothing would
> happen.
> I think a lot of people have stories like this, and get their info from
>> other people or web sites which may be of questionable validity, as many of
>> them are selling supplements like curcurmin.  I don't know of a reputable
>> journal which reports experiments and studies of various supplements, so we
>> have little experimental evidence to go on.
>> Some of these things work, and have been working for thousands of years.
>> So why don't physicians know of these and prescribe them?  We know, don't
>> we?
>> Most people have something wrong with them and go to various people for
>> help.  One supplement seller acknowledged that he was selling hope, as he
>> had no evidence for any of his products.
>> This needs to change.  How can we get people who have no monetary
>> interest in the outcomes of supplement studies to do quality scientific
>> work to find out what works and what doesn't?
>> bill w
> --
> Stathis Papaioannou
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