[ExI] The Doomsday Clock
Dylan Distasio
interzone at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 19:44:02 UTC 2018
Of course, it's only a coincidence, but McCabe just stepped down after Wray
was shown the memo earlier today.
On Jan 29, 2018 2:01 PM, "spike" <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On
> Behalf Of *John Clark
> >… compared to that stories of "horrors and corruption perpetrated by the
> Clinton Foundation" peddled by great minds at citadels of thought
> like infowars, Breitbart, and Fox news seem pretty trivial even if they
> were true…John K Clark
> Cool, we have a great test case coming up. Right now the biggest
> conspiracy theory in my lifetime is bubbling away, the alleged existence of
> a memo which alleges that the FBI and DOJ were weaponized by partisan
> politically-motivated insiders in the FBI.
> The US government has been at war with itself for years, but the key
> battle comes to a focus right here. Some government officials have urged
> the DOJ to release that memo. Others say no. We do not know what is in
> that memo, but I suspect if they choose to not release it, Wikileaks will
> somehow come into possession of its contents.
> This caused me to realize we could have a friendly no-currency betting
> game on what is in that memo and when (if ever) it will be released. We
> can even make up our own crypt-faux-currency just for trading on this forum
> for this sort of thing.
> Honestly I am finding this whole business most amusing. Regardless of
> what happens, regardless of whether it implicates the FBI or does not
> implicate the FBI, it can only weaken the executive branch, which is a
> win-win in my libertarian mind.
> Who wants to bet? I bet 10 crypt-faux-coins that the memo will be
> released by candy-hearts day (14 Feb) and that it contains nothing that
> leads to impeachment of anyone but leads to at least two firings at the FBI.
> Second bet: if they do not release the memo, one of our own former ExI
> posters Julian Assange will somehow end up with it.
> spike
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