[ExI] stay home

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 20:55:54 UTC 2020

All of what you said is true, I suppose, but it misses the point.  The
point is what people believe.  The higher up the person who tells them to
do something the more they will believe it.  Some will believe that they
will get into trouble if they don't follow the order even though as I said
they could not enforce it.  All a person would have to do is say they are
on their way to the grocery store. (or in MS any store).  As it is, some
will go out and catch the virus when they would have stayed home per the
governor's order.

bill w

On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 3:51 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> > *On Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* [ExI] stay home
> What's the difference between urging people to stay home, which several of
> the Repub governors who have not issued an order have done, and issuing an
> order to do so?
> There is no way in Heaven or Hell to enforce such an order.
> The difference is that if the governor tells them to stay home, more
> people will take the situation seriously than if they are just urged to do
> so.
> This difference will cost lives.
> bill w
> There are strict limits to what a state government has the authority to
> do.  If the constables pull someone over for being out for a joy ride, they
> need to find some legal violation on which to write a ticket.  If that is
> endangering public safety, it likely won’t hold up in court if they were
> not at a gathering.  One cannot spread a virus while alone in one’s car.
> I find it possibly more alarming than the virus that so many Americans
> assume the government has the authority to order them to do anything.  The
> federal government has very little legal authority for influencing the
> behavior of the citizens (by careful design.)  Executive orders do not
> apply to me, since I am not part of the presidential cabinet.  Orders to
> move anywhere do not apply to me since I am not in the military (only the
> well-regulated militia.)
> The states may pass laws contradictory to federal law (California drug and
> immigration law for instance.)  The states may strongly recommend that
> people stay home, but when it comes to enforcement, it isn’t clear how that
> would be done.
> I go out walking every day.  None of the local constables has stopped for
> a chat.  They wave and go on their way, as do I.  If I am walking, I cannot
> be required to produce ID or provide an address.  Governments advise, but
> generally cannot command the citizens.
> Fortunately most people are reasonable.
> spike
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