[ExI] next county

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 20:30:53 UTC 2020

On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 3:50 PM Dylan Distasio via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

*> I still have seen zero evidence that this is much worse than the flu
> from a fatality rate standpoint*

The COVID-19 fatality rate is not much worse than the garden-variety
non-1918 flu, but it can still kill far more people because its infection
rate is much higher; the number of Americans who have become infected with
COVID-19 has jumper from 15 people on February 15 to 4,950,144 people today
August 4, an increase of 54,504 infections just since yesterday. With just
4% of the world's population the USA now has 26.25% of all the COVID-19
infections in the entire world. Anyone who does not find that rate of
growth terrifying does not understand the situation.

 John K Clark
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