[ExI] for Henry
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 23:22:52 UTC 2020
Well, Henry, since you have not encountered this variable before, I suggest
you buy the book. I'd love to get your reactions to it. The H scale is in
the appendix. One problem with it: I can't tell the actual data from
theoretical predictions (and I am going to write then about that, as well
as the correlation between H and Conscientiousness). bill w
On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 5:12 PM Henry Rivera via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> I’ll just say at this point,
> What a weird thread to have associated with my name.
> Masks, frilly dresses, hiking, bears. Just another reason I love this
> list.
> A psychology lab could come up with, if it doesn’t already exist, a
> protocol to measure ‘consideration for others’ if that is a valid
> construct. Sounds to me like Conscientious in part. And it opposes
> selfishness but is not quite selflessness. It’s not quite altruism either.
> I’m not sure how humility would be measured btw.
> -Henry
> On Aug 6, 2020, at 5:10 PM, spike jones via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> *On Behalf
> Of *Dan
> >…My hypothetical example wasn’t meant as me saying everything is
> political (though I believe just about anything can be politicized). It was
> meant to illustrate how non-conformity is contextual. Imagine a straight
> thirty year old male wearing a frilly dress. Is that non-conformity in
> action? Well, not if he’s doing the Mount Saint Helens Mother’s Day Hike.
> He probably is non-conforming, though, if he wears it to the Fourth of July
> picnic and he’s the only male there doing that.
> Regards,
> Dan
> Oh OK cool got it, thanks Dan.
> Regarding wearing frilly dresses and such, I am the most conformist person
> you will ever meet. Well, sorta. I found a source where I could get
> military surplus wool field trousers manufactured for army guys in 1951.
> It’s in my favorite color: olive drab.
> So I bought a dozen pairs of them and discovered I could actually wear
> something without modification directly off the shelf because of my oddball
> size (28 inch waist, 35 length). I just donated the last of every other
> pair of trousers I own. So now my trousers are all nearly 70 yrs old.
> Now that I think about it however… that isn’t conformist either really. I
> am the only person I have ever seen wearing such absurdly retro garb,
> outside an old John Wayne movie.
> OK then. I guess I hafta face the facts: I am just weird.
> However, BillW’s Hex scale should have a B factor. I would totally
> dominate that, for I am the most boring person in the world. Or rather I
> thought so, until I started bragging it up and several other fellers
> proposed a boring competition. I was winning, going for the world record
> in boring, but as soon as I achieved that, I was the world record holder
> which is interesting and they took my trophy from me and my record from
> me. Damn.
> spike
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