[ExI] how is uk handling schools

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sun Aug 9 21:20:57 UTC 2020



From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 


>…Actually that wasn’t my remaining question.  We are still seeing big numbers in both USA and UK and both countries are facing some pretty similar problems.  There aughta be a way to learn from each other…spike


Knowing that staying back from school has its own (sometimes severe) costs in quality of life, still I have failed to convince myself to change my stance: it sure looks to me like in-person learning at the high school presents a hell of a risk, and I am unable to recommend it, even though I see the benefits.


I hear that young people are less susceptible, sure OK.  I accept that the risk of outdoor transmission is low.  But I still reject the notion that classroom-filling is anywhere near safe enough with these numbers.  I stay with what is now the plurality opinion on our advisory board: when in doubt, keep em out.


Suggestions welcome.




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