[ExI] England reduces total Covid-19 deaths by 12%
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 15:00:27 UTC 2020
What I would like to see: data on people who have survived the virus. How
has it affected their health weeks and months later. I see a report that
myocarditis can follow this infection. Maybe if more people knew things
like that they would quit comparing it to the flu. bill w
On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 9:24 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> > On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat
> ubject: [ExI] England reduces total Covid-19 deaths by 12%
> <https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-53722711>
> Quote:
> >...Previously, people in England who died at any point following a
> positive
> test, regardless of cause, were counted in the figures.
> But there will now be a cut-off of 28 days, providing a more accurate
> picture of the epidemic.
> >...The new methodology for counting deaths means the total number of
> people
> in the UK who have died from Covid-19 comes down from 46,706 to 41,329 - a
> reduction of 12%.
> -------------
> >...They say the initial higher count was to avoid undercounting the
> seriousness of the pandemic.
> Translation - we needed a big number to justify shutting down the country
> and causing a recession.
> >...They now say the new count will give "crucial information about both
> recent trends and the overall mortality burden due to Covid-19".
> Translation - Look at the state the economy is in! We'd better get everyone
> back to work, so tell them that it's not as bad as we thought!
> >...BillK
> _______________________________________________
> Hi BillK
> We have lost some important data on this side of the pond too. We can take
> the overall death rate this year, subtract the average and we get a number.
> In the states, we can do that exercise in every state and compare how the
> quarantines were handled. The number we get is a mixture of those who
> perished from the virus and those who perished as an indirect result of the
> virus such as closing businesses, fear causing business failures and
> compelling sick people to stay away from the hospital when it might have
> saved them.
> I didn't talk to Steve Van Sickle before he passed to see if he was
> avoiding
> the doctor for fear of covid, but I am one who will go nowhere near that
> hospital, not to get a C-19 test, not for an annual checkup, not for any
> reason. If I end up there, it is because I was carried there on a
> stretcher
> in the back of a truck with blinkety lights on top.
> We have lost important and useful data from the Sturgis bike rally because
> we failed to organize a means of tracking the participants upon their
> return.
> Belgium kept telling us that comparing these numbers is meaningless because
> they are counted differently from one country to the next. Sounds to me
> like they were telling the truth. In the states, hospitals are strained to
> the point of going out of business.
> The hospital where I was born (painfully many decades ago) closed its doors
> for lack of customers last month. Hospitals were incentivized to report
> fatalities as covids to tap into a federal fund. Our Lady of Bellefonte in
> Kentucky didn't have enough covid cases to stay in business, and the others
> wouldn't go there.
> spike
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