[ExI] Guns and Murder

Will Steinberg steinberg.will at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 22:18:17 UTC 2020

Cryonic facilities should do 'euthanasia' on-site, imo--way better chance
of the freeze working.  If someone is about to die that seems like the
smart choice

On Sat, Aug 15, 2020, 18:00 spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> > *On Behalf Of *Dylan Distasio via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] Guns and Murder
> >…That's because the actual act of attempting suicide is an impulsive
> action (I'm not arguing about what leads up to it, but the actual decision
> to follow through).   You get very few do overs with firearms and it is
> very easy to pull a trigger without fear of future suffering in the act…
> Dylan
> Hi Dylan, agree.  This has given me pause, and a reason for deep
> introspection.  Guns do offer a painless easy way out should someone decide
> on that course.  One of our former ExI posters chose to go that way,
> puzzling in a way, for he was a cryonicist, with bracelet.
> I was friends with him, as he was a local.  His intentional passing caused
> me to rethink some things.  For instance, if one owns a firearm, that does
> offer a painless way out, even if one’s chances with cryonics would of
> course by greatly diminished, to say the least.
> But what if… one had a cryonics contract, felt overwhelmed with whatever
> it is that people feel overwhelmed with when they carry out their final act
> (I have no experience with whatever that is) but still wish to take a
> chance with cryonics, uploading in the far future, that sorta thing.  Then,
> perhaps the person makes the deliberate choice to alert the medics and
> authorities regarding self-murderous intentions, then when the doorbell
> rings, uses the firearm in such a way that it is scarcely less lethal, but
> leaves the brain intact.
> The EMTs realize there is little point in emergency procedures and it is
> perfectly clear to the coroner the cause of her untimely demise, so only
> needs to check to see if funding is available for yet another tragic
> fatality with covid, but otherwise corons and hands over the remains to Max
> More, assuming coroners coron, Max does what Max does, time does what time
> does with unfailing consistency, technology does what we fondly hope
> technology will do, she comes back as an uploaded being.
> Here’s the scary part: suppose she discovers whatever unspeakable despair
> led to her initial demise is still with her, but now her trusted firearm is
> of no further use, for she has no physical fingers.  The mind boggles.
> spike
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