[ExI] unjustified pessimism
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 22:31:40 UTC 2020
Spike, buy it and send it to me. I"ll do it. I"ll put it on the top of my
stack. As for the great unwashed, it's their minds that need cleaning of
the filth they get from news,Tweets and all that. Bad news: when people
get pessimistic they want authoritarian leaders to tell them fairy stories
of fixing all the problems. When the family budget goes down down down,
the whole world gets implicated in its decline. Overgeneralization again
and again and again.
The virus. The economy and job loss. Riots of all flavors. My favorite:
credulousness. And of the wrong things!
bill w
On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 4:57 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> I have half a mind to buy this book, but would cheerfully settle for
> having one or more of our voracious readers voraciously read this one and
> summarize it:
> https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1948647737/reasonmagazinea-20/
> It’s about reality vs perception.
> Utterly contrary to easily-available reliable data, the unwashed masses
> have expressed completely unfounded pessimism.
> These are recent results from Gallup polls:
> https://news.gallup.com/opinion/gallup/308126/roundup-gallup-covid-coverage.aspx
> It is unclear if it would help these masses a bit were they to bathe. I
> would suggest these masses continue in their unhygienic ways if they wish,
> but study some actual data before expressing unjustifiably grim opinions.
> Oh dear, retract previous. I studied the site and discovered that the
> opinions expressed are those of the total polled population in the US,
> mixing the washed with the unwashed. This could be significant, in that
> the unwashed masses would perhaps exude offensive odors, causing greater
> distancing between them, lowering their risk of contagion. Same with the
> lower castes of India, also known as the untouchables: their wealthier
> counterparts (presumably known as the touchables) would run higher risks
> from possibly-infected patients taking advantage of their touchable status
> and touching them. I refuse to go to India, for fear of being identified
> as a touchable and having people touch me, oh mercy, I would be so
> squicked. But I digress.
> This site very clearly and credibly refutes the notion that the covid
> situation is getting worse:
> https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
> spike
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