[ExI] Mental Phenomena

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Tue Feb 4 15:29:35 UTC 2020

On 03/02/2020 21:08, Brent Allsop wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> You asked:
> “Now why on earth would the experience of redness suddenly become the 
> experience of greenness? /How/ could it?”
> By simply inverting the red green signal anywhere in the causal chain 
> of events that is perception as proven can be done here 
> <https://canonizer.com/videos/consciousness/> (skip to the “Inverted 
> Perception” part).
> It remains a fact that you could engineer (using just such inversions 
> both upstream and downstream from physical knowledge) one robot to 
> represent red knowledge with your redness, and another robot to 
> represent red with your greenness.  See “Inverted Qualia 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_spectrum>”)  They could both 
> pick strawberries equally well.
> You seem to be admitting that you only use one word for all things 
> “red”.  That is the definition of “Qualia Blindness”.  In that world 
> there is an “explanatory gap 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explanatory_gap>” because you need at 
> least two words (red and redness) to model simple effing of the 
> ineffable ideas like: “My redness is like your greenness, both of 
> which we call red.”  As long as we remain qualia blind, nobody can 
> know the true physical color of anything.
> It's not a "hard mind body problem" it's just a color problem.

I think we're done here. I see no point talking to a broken record. You 
keep referring to an incomprehenisble video with no explanation, showing 
images that seem to be taken from a child's encyclopaedia (that is NOT 
how our visual system actually works, it's just a vague simplification 
that probably does more to obscure than reveal), with some mysterious 
'inversion' of what is assumed (wrongly) to be a simple 'colour signal'. 
And you totally ignore any attempt to actually progress the 
conversation, including very relevant questions. Instead, you keep going 
back constantly to the same stock (mostly meaningless, as far as I can 
see) phrases, using the same nonsense terminology. I may as well be 
talking to a chatbot.

It seems to me that you've just invented your own little world, with 
almost no relation to reality, and are intent on repeating the same 
packaged phrases over and over again, without making any attempt to 
explain them or check them against what we actually know about how our 
brains work.

Ben Zaiboc

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