[ExI] order of the arrow

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 17:59:00 UTC 2020

The tribes tend to think of the group as one organism, like an
ant colony in a way, a group of individuals but the organism being all,
holism vs reductionism.

spike    very Oriental thinking -  bill w

On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 12:51 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> > On Behalf Of Keith Henson via extropy-chat
> Subject: Re: [ExI] order of the arrow
> >...Spike, there is a straightforward way to satisfy everyone's concerns
> about "cultural appropriation."
> It would hardly be appropriate for anyone to bitch about the "order of the
> arrow" for a boy scout troop who were native americans or had been adopted
> into a native tribe even as honorary members.
> As far as I know all the tribes had adoption procedures.  There were
> hundreds to thousands of such cases where Europenas were adopted into
> tribes, not to mention the large number of women who were simply kidnapped
> into the tribes.
> It would take considerable effort to work out the details, but the proposal
> would be for the boy scouts to be adopted into a tribe or tribes.
> Keith
> _______________________________________________
> Hi Keith,
> This has already been done: the Muckleshoot tribe near Enumclaw Washington
> adopted Boy Scouts of America in the 1970s.  There was a ceremony and
> everything.  This led to even more controversy, for this was before DNA
> tests, so it was unclear if the Muckleshoot Chief was more descended from
> the Duwamish and Puyallup people or was more... Greek.  Hmmm.  OK, well
> does
> it matter?  Why?  The recent go-around with the politician claiming to be
> Native American, then doing a DNA test demonstrating otherwise reminded us
> that in some tribes even being 100% Cherokee by DNA doesn't make one a
> member of the tribe.  Being far less that 100% by DNA doesn't preclude
> becoming a member of the tribe.
> In any case, the Muckleshoot now has (or is it Muckleshoots have?) a casino
> which supplies the needed funding, so I don't know if their adoption of
> Scouts would still be valid (I don't know if we kept up the payments.)  I
> might have accidentally discovered an insight with that parenthetical
> inquiry in the previous comment.  We moderns tend to think of people as
> individuals.  The tribes tend to think of the group as one organism, like
> an
> ant colony in a way, a group of individuals but the organism being all,
> holism vs reductionism.
> spike
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