[ExI] that's why

Dan TheBookMan danust2012 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 20:32:23 UTC 2020

Minneapolis will, if it actually disbanded its police force, not be the first place to ever do so. In some cases, this has meant merely getting rid of them to rebuild them along new lines, as in Camden, New Jersey, US. In others, like Blandford, Massachusetts, policing was outsourced to another police department.

It’s a bit dated, but Bruce Benson examined cases where full privatization took place in his _The Enterprise of Law: Justice without the State_. I don’t have a copy handy and I haven’t read his newer work in this area.


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> On Jun 8, 2020, at 1:08 PM, Dylan Distasio via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> I agree, Bill.  I'd love to see what this replacement would look like.  I am no fan of the police by any stretch of the imagination but I also acknowledge their utility.   I'm curious to see what Minneapolis will look like if the council gets its way in completely disbanding the police force (and not replacing it with a reformed one).
>> On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 3:59 PM William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> As usual, Dan, you offer to get rid of something but do not supply anything to replace it to deal with crime.
>> Spike, I think, pointed out that the cops who were with the accused one were trainees - a reasonable, though not valid, reason why they didn't try to stop it, remark on it, or anything.
>> bill w
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